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-   -   SAA's new recruitment agenda!!! (https://www.pprune.org/african-aviation/89124-saas-new-recruitment-agenda.html)

concordino 13th May 2003 02:00


Good post, I am glad you decided to still go for training even if the cadetship didn't work for you.

good luck

Warlock2000 15th May 2003 17:20

Back to the original question, "Is it time to jump ship?" - No, that time was about 4 - 5 years ago!

Africanskies, agree 100% with what you say. Simply put, affirmative action IS racism! I wonder if in 10 years time only whites will be employed because they're from a previously disadvantaged group? I think NOT!

Skaz 16th May 2003 07:38

Warlock & AfricanSkies I agree with both of you.

Affirmative action is a discriminatory practice based on race and skincolour and NOT qualifications, ability & experience.

This will result in a situation where people do not want to fly with SAA because of a perception that the crews are not qualified. Bloody hell, I dont even fly with them! If for no other treason than to withold my few pennies outta the coffers that pay for these bullsh1t practices to be enforced.

I have no problem flying a flight crew member that is qualified, experienced and there because of his or her qualifications and skills..........not race and body odour.

I know Air Botch's crews spent ages at the school that has their contract, but the problem will be solved by throwing money at it till they go solo with 250hours and first venture into the GFA.

Bob Mugabe should apply as well, they'll make him 744 chief training captain I suppose:yuk: :ok:
(damn , still cant get the middle finger up:suspect: )

George Tower 16th May 2003 19:58

The arguments made on behalf of affirmative action are weak and rely on emotive issues. I think some serious damage could be done to the SA economy because of it. It's interesting to hear half of the ANC government talking about affirmative action and at the same time other members of the Government are worrying about how to attract and retain skilled professionals the country so desperately needs.

I think that there has to be a better way other than quotas to provide equality of opportunity to all and make it work.

Gunship 16th May 2003 20:17

I must stay out of THIS argument ...

Intentionally left blank ...


AfricanSkies 17th May 2003 02:43

I bet...that one would win a case against a company which practises affirmative action in the Constitutional Court. Now that would throw a spanner amongst the pigeons. Erm, the cat in the works. Barman! nog 'n rondte!

Skaz 17th May 2003 06:17

Great idea:ok: :} .....till you wanna apply there for a job....doh:eek: :uhoh: :{ :ugh: :hmm: ....:ouch:

Assweat 17th May 2003 09:13

How unfair things seem when the apartheid shoe is on the other foot. Yes the affirmative action policy is wrong/unfair, however so was the white government policy's of years gone by.

If you don't like it, leave. Remember many coloureds and blacks were forced to do this inorder to give their chidren and themselves the oppotunities that they were denied by the apartheid system. Why is it, that back then the general thought was good riddance. But now that it's happening to whites we call it a brain drain. How hypocritical.

Apart from death and taxes there is only one other thing in life that you can count on and thats CHANGE.

Remember one mans loss is another mans gain.

El Peligroso 17th May 2003 13:03

"How unfair things seem when the apartheid shoe is on the other foot. Yes the affirmative action policy is wrong/unfair, however so was the white government policy's of years gone by."

...and your point is?
Oh sorry I get it, lets keep living in the past! :ok:

"If you don't like it, leave." -> I have.

KAK post! :yuk:

4HolerPoler 17th May 2003 15:31

I get the feeling that the world (as we know it) will be a better place if I close this thread & allow it to quietly slip off the bottom of the page.


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