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-   -   Sierra Leone Airways (https://www.pprune.org/african-aviation/82501-sierra-leone-airways.html)

The Claw 3rd Mar 2003 17:23

Thanks Guns, sorry to say, more on the way!:eek:

Gunship 3rd Mar 2003 21:04

Mobiles and Sport
Mobiles: 2 Networks presently ... and third the Gov / national "might" open soon.

Celtel by far the best. Presently coverage in the WHOLE of Freetown, down the Southern beaches half way and Lungi.

Just watched the *&^% cricket with the MD. :(

Bo en Kenema operational (2 largest Towns after Freetown). Kono and Makeni (diamond areas) end of March - Mid April. Southern Beaches to River # 2 (most popular place ) end of March it will be Operational.

Faxing and DATA started last Friday.

Calls $1.20 per minuteto the UK, but end March they will have their own gateway and call rates will drop a lot and International SMS will become a reality (eventually).

The other Network : Millicom is just ops in Freetown and Lungi.

NO - I say NO UK mobiles work here - open you mobile there - here they charge $50 up depending what type.

Little to NO Sport at school level - rather go for the NO part ;)

Golf course ok in Rainy season (green grass and oil / sand greens) - very picturistic - 100 m from the beach.

At the Golf club - 2 squash courts and another two / three in Freetown. 2 Tennis courts at Golf Club. Average condition
(playable). Remeber we come out of a 12 year civil war.

2 Nice swiming Pools at the 2 Hotels - especially the Buntemani (completely re-build by Chinks) has a beautiful pool. Pay about $3 if you have a white a55. ;) If you are local - not allowed - reverse apartheid ...

The Claw ? More ???

Cheers and brgds

Gunnss http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/aircraft/3flypigs.gif

PS: I need a few cases of CARLSBERG for these typing lessons :D

finnman 4th Mar 2003 06:27

just found a web site re eco air
5% stakes held by
nigeria airways
ghana airways
air afrique
air guinea
liberian airways
60% held by private investors( if they get to that)
rest held by governments

eco air comes out of ecowas states

still dont understand how come in the village of freetown
nobody knows anything about it
it is difficult to hold a secret in fna

Africanhope 4th Mar 2003 08:16

Hi Finnman

could u post the web address for the eco air inf !

Gunship 4th Mar 2003 10:35

The Wise / Unwise OWL

I have made this thread with a little devil icon. Call it devil's prophet ... or whatever.

If I have a look at the "investors" I will not work for the airline unless that 60% "private investors" is a company called BA or whatever. Someby stable that has FULL control of the daily running and decision making process.

I do not need to go into details about Nigeria, Ghana, Air Afrique, and Liberian Airways. Air Guinea is the only one still flying. Unsure about Nigeria Airways. The rest of them is all bankcrupt and was drained from tp to bottomn by GREEDY, a55holes called politicians and their partners in crime who was put in charge of these airlines.

I have first hand experience what happened with Ghana Airways and SNA (Sierra National Airways). What these guys do : They get a company like Monarch to invest their aircraft under their name. They wil operate and operate and then eventually there starts a back log in payment and it get's bigger and bigger and the next moment Monarch for instance will stop flying for them. Monarch will pull out and that will be that - courtcases and stuff.

In the mean time - SNA will just approach another company ... you getting the drift ?

If they do start with their own aircraft / own crews like Ghana Airways you guys are guaranteed a longer job prospect as the Gov / company should keep on bailing them out untill they can not go anyfurther (ie Ghana Airways and Air Afrique).

Yes, I am negative - but I will be the first one to congraulate the company on making money and NOT STEALING it like the ALL the previous airlines that is under Gov control has done.

The longest serving Airlines in the area are both PRIVATELY owned - West Coast Airlines and Paramount Airlines .. small .. efficient and surely making money as NO politicians have their filthy dirty hands in their Airlines. http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/mica/Miscgopher.gif

I will open a thread about ECO AIR.

PS: I am actually a very positive person - but I would hate to see you coming and going and you said : WHY DID YOU NOT TELL US Gunsss :}

Gunship 4th Mar 2003 10:48

ECO - AIR (Sierra Leone Airways ?)
I spoke to a local guy that knows the inside of SL 's CAA.

ECO AIR has asked for an AOC (Airline Operators Certificate) but not officially yet - just an enquiry. And obvioulsy one was not issued yet (as of today 's date)

Here is the link and short message on the web that I could find about them : dd 3 April 2000 ..

Air Afrique a du plomb dans l'aile... ...et du souci à se faire !

BAMAKO, April 3 (Reuters) - The member states of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) plan to create a regional airline in the near future, a senior official said.

The new company would be called Eco Air, ECOWAS Executive Secretary Lassana Kouyate told Reuters on Sunday after meeting Malian President Alpha Oumar Konare, the current president of the economic bloc.

News of the new airline follows Mali's decision, announced last week, to break up Air Mali's monopoly on domestic flights, which the country's civil aviation authority (DNAC) said would allow any airline to fly domestic routes in Mali provided they could meet operating standards. [...]

[...] Many of the countries in ECOWAS hold stakes in Air Afrique. It was not immediately clear what impact the planned airline would have on the Francophone multinational carrier.{ PS: In the mean time they have been bailed out more than once and was finally closed down a few months ago as far as I know }

publié par Antoine H. 18:59


Gunship 4th Mar 2003 13:46


Thanks Guns, sorry to say, more on the way!
http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/new/dan.gif ???

Explain pse Claw ?

Gunship 5th Mar 2003 06:34

On the UK Gov's web site their is a travel warning : "We advise against all non-essential travel to Sierra Leone."

I e-mailed the British High Commission and here is the answer back from the British High Commisioner, Mr Alan Jones.

" Thank you for your e mail. Travel Advice is reviewed on a regular basis by me personally. We take advice to the communities for whom we have consular responsibility very seriosly indeed.
I beleive the advice against non essential travel remains perfectly valid. It is also closely in line with advice given to the US community by their Embassy, with whom we liaise closely.

You are aware of recent events in Freetown including the raid on Wellington Barracks, treason charges against 7 individuals, border incursions and the ongoing work of the Special Court. All of these events lead me to beleive caution still needs to be exercised and that the travel advice remains valid
Alan Jones "

Africanhope 5th Mar 2003 08:18

Hi Gunship

How long would it take for Eco Air to get an AOC if they officially applied ??:confused:

Gunship 5th Mar 2003 11:58


How long would it take for Eco Air to get an AOC if they officially applied ??
Lo AH,

Ok officially Nothing of ECO - AIR as of today but ... ECO - Travel applied for an AOC and received it - quite a while ago.

Just this week ECO - AIR asked that ECO - TRAVEL AOC must be changed to ECO - AIR. This was refused.

But do not dispear ... a few dollar bills between the sheets of papers sorts these paperwork out very quickly ! http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung...smiley-027.gif

ENIGMA ? CREWMEAL ... r u there guys ? http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung...smiley-007.gif

Africanhope 5th Mar 2003 21:27

EcoAir ??????????
Sounds like EcoAir or what ever it's called is starting up (soon)??:confused:

Anyone offered a job there yet

Gunship 6th Mar 2003 09:04

Lo AH,

It seems more and more that ECO - AIR / ECO - Travel and SLA is all the same thing ?

Enigma :confused: Crewmeal :confused:

They should know - they where interviewed. Sounds like a nice op - as long as they stay out of the Gov's claws.

Africanhope 6th Mar 2003 11:38

Crewmeal and Enigma, any news from the "New" company or is silence since interview the only sound:confused:

rentaghost 6th Mar 2003 17:00

Where's the $20+ million investment for the A310 going to come from?

enigmajet 7th Mar 2003 15:17


Hey Folks

Sorry to say I havent much news on the operations side of things.
i.e. who's behind them or how much money they have, or need to be invested. I'm practically geting all my info from this thread!
Sorry. But its good to see some people out there know whats going on! :)

Keep the good side out.

Africanhope 10th Mar 2003 01:32

Talked with a few guys who was promised the contract on Airbus with Eco Air but they have had no Feed-back at all other than LATER THIS MONTH ??? for simulator etc ???
They advised that if you have any other job lined up, go for that because it maybe another african scam (promise is cheap) full of corruption as usual and bla. bla bla Just a mather of time before that will go down the drain (as usual).
They off course would hope the best, but the communication between the "new" airline and (hopefull) crew is nil !!!
Anyone who has better info than this (nothing) is welcome !!

crewmeal 10th Mar 2003 06:56

From what I know things will start moving this month. It is anticipated that the 737 flying programme will commence towards the end of april to various destinations in West Africa. The Airbus programme will follow after that. LGW & ORY look favourites to start with. Other destinations to follow.

I think in all fairness to Eco Air they should be given a chance to get things going. Like everything in aviation speculation is always rife and I'm sure when there is something to say then those at the top will let everyone know. I believe that the Company have been let down badly by simulator timings - hence further delays in training.

Cabin Crew recruitment will be commencing shortly to tie in with the operation.

Lets leave the legal boys to cross the 'T's and dot the 'i's

digna 13th Mar 2003 20:38

nice to hear all those comments offerd a job with them recently I am waiting for my intervew with my fingers crossed looking 4ward to see all of you guys . will appriciate it if you can help wiz this is there any chance to bring a family there ? my job is CSD

crewmeal 13th Mar 2003 22:31

This is having the final touches put to it as I type. Can't say whether it will be suitable for 'family' occupation at this stage, but I guess it will be on a shared basis anyway.

The 737 operation will commence by the end of april and the 310 will be phased in by June.

Cabin Crew interviews will start next week and training during the first part of april. Final Crew training will commence when the aircraft arrives.

Some interesting times ahead me thinks!!

any questions fire ahead at

[email protected]

homesick rae 19th Mar 2003 18:34

As far as Cabin Crew are concerned:"not interviewing for a few weeks yet!"

$30-$40 per diem for cabin crew.

Any more info?

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