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PA28-161 8th Jan 2003 21:01

FTC Africa
Hey there

Does anyone have any experience with this org?
I see from their site www.ftcafrica.com they claim to do JAA ATPL courses.

Anyone know anything about them, I'd be very grateful for the info!


123.45 18th Jan 2003 18:49

FTC South Africa
Hey there....

been there, done that, got the T- shirt...trust me !!! Stay away from that school when it comes to the JAA licens!!! Hour-building seems to be fine because most A/C are faily new but it is worthwhile to spend extra money on a propper course (Bristol,Oxford...) .


Flying Boat 18th Jan 2003 23:56

Steer Clear
I agree with you 123.45.

They are morally corrupt as well as terrible at managing a fleet. I was there for 6 months & saw people take 6+ weeks to get a PPL, 4th Nov they got their first JAR Radio examiner, even though they sold a full JAR PPL to unsuspecting victims before that!

Getting the hours you need are questionable at FTC, allegedly standing for F*** the customer & F*** the CAA!

If you need to hour build, you only need to do a simple validation, Law written, Nav & General Handling tests. This applies to all JAR CAA PPL holders wanting to fly in RSA. You can do this with any good school in RSA, they do not have to be JAR as RSA is ICAO.

Flying in RSA is good experience, but for god's sake do not go with FTC in Grand Central, unless you want to be conned and have a higher BP due to frustration.

The final descision is yours but don't pay more than you should to dubious individuals that give aviation a bad name.

Good Luck.


123.45 19th Jan 2003 08:30

...thank`s Flying Boat for your honest opinion ! Can`t agree with you more, also spend 6month there and my BP was rising through the roof.
Hope you found a better school now!

There you have it PA28-161 and if you want more info, can give you plenty of contact`s from people that have been conned by Find The Cash, sorry I mean FTC.


NickGreen 19th Jan 2003 16:14

UK SA flyer community
There's a bunch of us who have been to SA and got PPLs and are very happy with our experiences - we've joined a group which is at a site being built at: www.uksa.flyer.co.uk

Like minded SA PPL's with good advice and experiences that I'm sure will help. Particularly try Glynis on the link - she's the most knowledgeable person on the South African option.

I do not know FTC personally, but I heard other stories. I was lucky to find a school and club that made my 4 weeks in SA more than just an exercise in gaining a flying licence - I've been back several times since because of that.

Flying Boat 19th Jan 2003 22:12


I agree with you, I love RSA but FTC in Grand Central is definately a NO NO.

Tell us who you flew with.

I know CFA at Grand Central is good, plus I have heard good reports from other schools/clubs in RSA.

If someone wants to get an SAA PPL I say go for it, just not FTC.


PA28-161 20th Jan 2003 13:51

Thanks 123.45, FB & NG for the posts.
Always wanted to go to RSA, never been yet, certainly dont want to wind up in an establishment that doesnt suit....and as my instructor always said, the best way to find out about a flying school, is talk to people who've been there!


likair 20th Jan 2003 16:37

FTC George
Has anyone trained at Flight Training Centre George, situated at George City, using George Airport? Any experiences?

They give JAR Training too although they stated that at this stage they can only offer the South African ICAO PPL.

Any hints?What was the training like?


Their website URL is :- FTC GEORGE

Skaz 20th Jan 2003 19:39

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned 43 Airschool in Port Alfred yet.
Did my training there, pretty good place. As with a lot of other schools, it is a bussiness and as such they do want your cash, but all in all a very good school.

PA28-161 20th Jan 2003 19:41

Yeah? Seen 43 advertised in FLYER. Thought about going to Cape Flying Services....a flight in a DC-3 would be worth it?


Petes Dragon 21st Jan 2003 05:16

Other options
For those interested, some other options include:

Progress Flight Center outside Port Elizabeth: As far as I know, they are also JAA approved for some of their courses. Provide full board and excellent facilities with good standard of training. Good aircraft equipment as well. Close to PE, so IF (decent ILS) is easy.

Blue Chip Aviation at Wonderboom, Pretoria. Last I heard, they were trying to achieve JAA accreditation, but whether they have done so, I am not sure. Standardised fleet of 10 or so C172's, all in good nick. Also provide accommodation. Wonderboom lying close enough to the big centers for decent IF training, is also far enough from JNB to be able to sneak out under the TMA.

Algoa Flying Club at Port Elizabeth Airport. This is one of the small jewels in training. They have good instructors and facilities, aircraft are well maintained and they also help with finding accommodation and transport (bicycle).

43 Air School at Port Alfred (now owned by NAC). The full monty here. Full board and structured training system allows for 0-Comm under supervised conditions.

Leo Air at Nelspruit. Small outfit with excellent standards. Also provide advanced training such as aerobatics and helicopter training in the Lowveld. Provides accommodation in a

Good Hope Flying School at Cape Town International. Good facilities and reputation for high standards. Unsure on accommodation and so on, but if you do it from now till end of march, you can sleep on the beach....

Depending on what you want to do outside of training time, there is something for everybody....

centre 22nd Jan 2003 14:39

I went out from England recently and did my PPL at FTC and had a really good experience. The instructors are very good and I had a good, cheap time in the sun. And the JAR PPL from FTC in South Africa is very well recognised over here. So, from my experience, FTC is not a bad place at all.:confused:

skyer 22nd Jan 2003 15:09

PPL in Africa
I've heard loads of stories about people going out to SA to get a JAR PPL from the numerous ones that are advertised on the the various websites, and coming back with a SA PPL and a bad view of SA flying schools.
As far as I am concerned, if you want to go out and get a license that you can use back in England, then FTC is the only place for it.
I had a good time at FTC and all guys and gals that I know who have been rate it highly.
So PA28, don't write FTC off on a couple of bad messages.

Good luck with the license!

flutter by 22nd Jan 2003 15:58

training in cape town
As for training in cape town

Wich of you guys out there has done their training at Delta200 or what about Cape Aero Club and Good Hope Flying CLub? any of you out there had any good OR bad experiences with any of these clubs

Wanna start my training but still deciding wich one in Cape town to use.....
any good sugestions !!!:D

123.45 22nd Jan 2003 17:13

...are you getting paid by" F*** the Customer" for the nice comments about that school ??
I never said that the Instructors aren`t good but the overall customer service and the management is one of the worst I have ever experienced and the general standard rather pathetic!
There was a time when FTC was THE school to go to, but that is about four Years ago!
There is some of very good schools around.

Flying Boat 24th Jan 2003 20:07


I see you are newer than me to PP.

I know the owner asks students to post in his favour.

Don't trust any of the promises from the top.

I have recently met over 15 former students from the said, dubious, 'good school', who all had bad stories about the 'gang'.

My advice to all Wannabes is avoid GC like the plague, until they sort themselves out. The fact that many instructors want to leave, the better ones first was my impression, is testament to the status of the quality of this service company. Several departed whilst I was there.

We are all customers and not inferior plebs to be messed around.

To use a quote from 1 member of staff," Once they have your money, they don't 'care'." I use the word care to describe the general meaning of the words used.

To be fair they should be given a second chance, but only after they sort themselves out. They way they are, this will take 1 to 2 years. We are on a limited budget which is why we consider RSA.

The people at the top have enough funds to survive without we European victims for up to 2 years. Then we should give them a second chance.

Good luck in your future aviation exploits.


OSZ 24th Jan 2003 22:50

Flying At FTC
I'll be honest in admitting that I haven't fown with anyone else but with 300 hours behind me I have loved almost every minute of my trianing with FTC. The bits I haven't liked do not relate to actually flying.

The instructors are the schools finest asset. What ever other problems may arise, you know that every minute you are in the air will count. I even took a joy ride with one of the instructors who was doing an acceptance flight, I learnt lot just from that and I wasn't paying for it.

I flew with them in 1998 to get an SA PPL and then joined them again last year after doing my ATPL exams distance learning through Atlantic.

I have earnt my CPL and my Insructors Rating (JAR) with them.

Now I will not sit here and say that the last 6 months out there was all plain sailing. Anyone who was out there this year will tell you that the school has had problems, not least with the accomodation. Through it all the school want people to get through whether they be fun PPLs or serious Career Pilots.

The "new" piper aircraft as they are called are only two years old I have am privaledged to have the delivery flight of one of them in my logbook as PIC. The rest of the fleet i probably what would be expected with PA28s and C172s. They have 2 Arrows (for CPL) and 2 twins.

The key to "surviving" is to stand up for yourself and keep on top of the situation you find yourself in. For a smallish school you can, at the en of the day, have a beer with the school's Owner. How many schools can say that.

Flying Boat 25th Jan 2003 14:05


I agree their instructors, generally are very good, but the free learning experiences can be had at most schools & clubs if you are in the right place at the right time.

When you are a paying customer, offered a 'package' so you can devote 100% of your efforts to studying an intense course, you should not need to "stand up for yourself" if the organisation was correctly and honestly run.

Are the twins flying again or still tech?
As well as about 5 singles, when I departed.

Did you get your visa to start work with them, or still waiting? If so well done & good luck!

Socially the owner is very pleasant but I wouldn't trust him ever again, an excellent salesman! I am sure Nick Leeson, the rogue trader that brought about the collapse of Bearings was nice to have a beer with too.

This is my opinion based on my experiences, but as we were taught by FTC instructors, if you go through any bad flying experience (normally meaning weather) you should warn others so that they don't experience the same misfortunes as you.

Good Luck.

Oscar 21st Feb 2003 04:21

123.45 seems to be a mega whinger!! have you had a go directly at them if you have a real gripe?

sk8erboi 23rd Feb 2003 07:21

Well from a JAR point of view I wouldn't now touch them with a barge pole. Have heard they have sacked their best 2 JAR instructors, one of whom was in charge of the JAR programme. That now leaves a few new instructors who apparently don't have work permits and the few other Jar ones are tied up with african licences. This has come first hand from a mate over there. That together with what they say regarding availability, arriving and no one knowing you are coming and management being economical with the truth regarding validations would stop me going there. Too many people have slated the place for me to trust it. I know my mate is coming home very soon unless things improve drastically.

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