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-   -   Bellview returning soon!! (https://www.pprune.org/african-aviation/398173-bellview-returning-soon.html)

parisjet 7th Dec 2009 19:43

Bellview returning soon!!
Heard Blue tip is set to return this month firstly with a B767 -300, seen here at Lufthansa painting in Shannon Ireland, then a few other new types for their domestic and regional!:Dhttp://cdn-www.airliners.net/aviatio.../4/1610419.jpg

Mr. Smith 12th Dec 2009 22:30

I wonder why they don't just call it quits. For a commercial airline, their operations/scheduling etc sucks.

NIJASEA 13th Dec 2009 05:05

The race is still on.....:}

Rani 13th Dec 2009 07:35

Bellview is surely resilient. I just hope they will not compromise on safety this time. Oh and why not become a charter operator if they can't sustain scheduled ops?

parisjet 13th Dec 2009 12:18

I believe there will be a vast improvement on safety, operations, and customer care etc.. It's main competitor is Arik, who they'll eventually match or even outgun. They wouldn't be returning with virtually an new fleet and continue a mediocre operation. Watch this space is all I can say.

Rani 13th Dec 2009 12:23

Outgun Arik with an ageing 767-300? No PTVs, no wide network? Care to elaborate how Bellview can pull that off? The way they are handling their PR, I doubt they will be able to "outgun" anyone.

Don't get me wrong, I would fly Bellview - if the money went to charity :( :}

parisjet 13th Dec 2009 15:17

Lol Rani. How they handled and ceased operations temporarily wasn't the best I agree. And to answer your question to how they may outgun Arik. Well you may not be aware of this but recently they put a request to Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier, and Embraer for a total fleet renewal. Apparently the order was for 34 aircraft, a mixed fleet. Their original fleet comprised of old B737 - 200s and leased B767 - 200s. They slowly phased out the B737 - 200s, and got an ACMI agreement with Air Slovakia to use their B737 - 300s whilst awaiting new aircraft. These aircraft have now gone, and so have the B767 - 200s. In the next couple of weeks they begin again with a B767 - 300 followed by another shortly after, followed by other types in the new year. They realised that standards in Nigerian Aviation is improving at such a high rate, mainly led by Arik and to stay competitive they have no choice but to improve. Once ops resume, they'll be an easy second to Arik, leaping over Eagle, and Aero. Even Chanchangi is developing their fleet - exciting times ahead!

NIJASEA 13th Dec 2009 16:38

Parisjet i like ur optimism, but lets get one thing right Bellview has always had a bad reputation when it comes to maintainance. The DC9 was flying with oil all over the tail section from a leak. The B737-2 were flying without the appropriate AD's being implemented, major hydraulic leaks and the aircraft were flown for about a month without an engineer signing it's daily checks. for the supposed 'F' reg aircraft the engineers brought were actually not certified to sign out the aircraft as they were technicians and not engineers ( I know coz one of them is just doing his license at the moment). The company cannot pay the crew so much and still keep the company afloat without cutting costs somewhere:=. New orders are good but how many pilots did they have for the previous 767 :confused: and where will he get the crew for the new ones?

Mr. Smith 13th Dec 2009 22:29

@ parisjet: Belleview's RFP is nothing to be taken seriously, both A & B know that. Now, you do as well. :ok:

parisjet 14th Dec 2009 11:46

NIJASEA & Mr Smith, I don’t deny there have been shoddy ops at Bellview, I don’t work for them nor am I their Minister of Propaganda. What I am stating are the facts, what they do thereafter is entirely down to them. At least restarting ops is a good thing in terms of creating a job market and service. However bad it is there still will be a customer base in Nigeria, it’s not exactly like Europe or America where passengers and crew boycott airlines based on safety, and service. Having said that to operate flights into the UK means that they have met the high standards of safety required. With regards to the DC – 9s, how long ago was that? as far as I’m aware, those jets were phased out sometime back around the time they flew the A300. The B767 -300 maybe secondhand, but is a reasonably new aircraft in terms of production age. In terms of crew not being paid on time or at all, this is nothing new in 3rd world countries, I can name several other carriers who’ve failed to do same but are still regarded as sweet. Regarding obtaining crew, there will never be a problem, there’ll always be someone out there willing to work to build their hours. If you look at Nigeria’s aviation industry, there have been a number of airlines come and go, out of all these carriers Bellview has been around the longest and still remains. Safety has always been an issue in Africa, but new standards are being met and have to be adhered to in order for the NCAA to award operators certificates. Give every new start up a chance, as long as they’re not government run they have a good chance of competing in the world rankings like Kenya Airway, Ethiopian, South African, Arik, Egyptair, Air Algeria, to name but a few.

Rani 14th Dec 2009 17:07

Looks like Bellview cancelled its "return" on the London route again. The Dec. 18 date is no longer relevant. This - of course - did not prevent from collecting income from gullible or price-sensitive passengers who paid to fly during the Yuletide season.

I rest my case!

JABAG 14th Dec 2009 20:14

Slight corection to your statement.

Aero is the oldest airline/ operator. AOC number is "1".


soky 14th Dec 2009 21:01

Dont fly bellview
If anyone is thinking of flying, and Bellview comes to your head, please ask the devil to get off your back!, this airline has no regards for customers and will do anything to get money off you. I guess it will only happen in a country like Nigeria, where companies can get away with such thing. Bellview will continue to defraud people while the government sits with their arms folded. Imagine in late November, they advertised flights to and fro from London, collected money, knowing fully that they had no planes. Some of us are due to travel and the customer service has been terrible, we were told and I quote “NO REFUNDS-FIND ALTERNATIVE MEANS". Know question is- those of us that hardly travel due to work commitements, do we wait for infinity.:}
After all they were suspended by IATA, the claimed this is not true and yet it’s on IATA website that they have been suspended. They have the guts to tell a white/blue/black (give it the colour you like) to Nigerians.
Do they know the plans of their customers, those coming home for weddings, birthday parties, family vacation etc? The list is endless. All for them to be disappointed by Bellview
My candid opinion- Bellview should refund and apologise to its customers and go into luxurious bus travel where they can decide to travel with un-road worthy vehicles

parisjet 14th Dec 2009 22:04

Not wholly owned Nigerian airline, biggest share was Shreiner of Holland's my friend!

soky 15th Dec 2009 08:49

Well it makes matters worse if it’s owned by foreigners and they treat Nigerians the way they have. Believe you me; it will not happen in the western world. Take it from me, Belleview should be stopped from operating, remember they get bulk of their customers from Nigeria.

atedo 15th Dec 2009 14:51

Owned by Shreiner?
Bellview is fully owned by Nigerians; Kayode and other minor shareholders.
The DC9s were well maintained but not well cleaned and washed; no time for washing.

I beleive B3 problems started with the B732s, cause there was a lot of pressure from mgt on engineers for acfts to fly; the Yugoslavs on the DC9 will never accept such.:ugh:

B3 can rise again if they look inwards and tidy up the books and follow SOPs to the later.

parisjet 15th Dec 2009 22:17

know what happened to Bellview crew when ops stopped recently?

soky 16th Dec 2009 14:06

Are we all saying Bellview is a reputable company?,:} I don’t get it when most people thinks it’s a NO problem to mess up, are we saying it’s a typical problem for Nigerian or that Nigerian are prone to such. Well I still maintain that we all deserve to be treated right. Those affected should be compensated and refunded. I even find it amazing that they do not take credit card payments. It shows that they have envisaged that they might run into problems. If credit card payments where accepted. People would have claimed back the air fares and got another flight.
As for the cabin crew, they are just waiting around with no information what so ever from the management.:ugh:

chuks 16th Dec 2009 17:27

I think what Parisjet wanted to say was that Aero was 40% owned by a Dutch company and 60% by the Ibru family. It was started in about 1957 so that makes it about 52 years old, I guess, and still going!

Now tell us more about Bellview, ADC, Kabo, Intercontinental, Concord, GAS Air, DANA, IRS, Nigeria Airways, Okada, Caverton, Virgin Nigeria, Arik... Yeah, those local operators sure showed them Cloggies how to operate, I guess!

Perhaps you want to go quiet, creep off and sit in a corner for a while, to come back only once Bellview really do start flying again? That might be a good idea or so it seems to me but then I probably am a racist, yes.

parisjet 16th Dec 2009 19:28

Your reply was very funny indeed Chuks!:=

parisjet 21st Dec 2009 15:50

Has anyone seen the B767- 300s yet, apparently it's now in Nigeria after some pre ops work, and is due to commence their services to London and Jeddah before the 28th January 2010?

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