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asacrj 3rd Mar 2009 12:20

History was made
just want to share this with you guys

ASACrew_CNN_02-27-2009_2.40PM.wmv. or

YouTube - CNN's Kyra Phillips Celebrates All Black Flight Crew

Employees and well wishers from across the world can also send the history-making crew a note of congratulations by visiting www.flyasa.com.

Much love for black women in aviation

kotakota 3rd Mar 2009 12:51

What a load of nonsense - the only first here is the American bit . Many all female crews in Africa already - KQ for instance.
Africa was first !!

perceval 3rd Mar 2009 13:43

as always mate .
But It's america , so it's more important apparently ...
Remember being taken to IST on KQ by two gals on the 73 about 5 years ago , not to mention an Air Kenya twin otter that was very often crewed by two very nice pilots in the late nineties .

MrBernoulli 3rd Mar 2009 18:59

More north American ethnic/gender/PC nonsense .............

Cave Troll 4th Mar 2009 03:29

Well Woopie F*&#en Doo! First all black female crew. pal wake up and smell africa. we have been there and done that. It is the same as Obama. Seems like a nice and very intelligent guy and all but hey once again we have been there and got the T shirt. We had black presidents before you could spell "Obama". If the guy/gal can do the job who gives a continental what colour they are. In fact I am sure it was a black african who was the first man on the moon. I will have to check my history books on that one though.

But seriously guys get over it. It is not a big deal!


asacrj 4th Mar 2009 11:07

whoa so much hate. In the video it clearly says First all black female crew in the US not the world.
And the comment about Obama, what was that all about?

nugpot 4th Mar 2009 11:37

whoa so much hate. In the video it clearly says First all black female crew in the US not the world.
Wasn't us that posted this in the African Aviation forum........................

I'm impressed that black female aircrew are still something special to Americans (land of the free 'n all). Here it is old hat and quite accepted.

ugflyer 5th Mar 2009 04:18

ASACRJ, I am feeling you on that.
And by the way, is Roger in recruitment still there? He called me two years ago for an interview........

Cave Troll 5th Mar 2009 05:19

ASACRJ when did I ever suggest hate for anyone. Firstly I happen to think Obama is a great guy. well that is the impression I get anyway. my whole point was that the fact that these achivers are black should have nothing to do with it. I admit that I never went onto the link that you posted and did not realise it was a first in the states. Even so why is it still such a big deal in the states when an african american achieves something special.


asacrj 5th Mar 2009 22:41

why is it still such a big deal in the states when an african american achieves something special
Because less than 40 years ago the US was segragated and extremely racist. To be able to achieve this sort of accomplishment is to me, and I repeat to me very special. Not to mention it is the company I work for.
I'm really amaze about all the negative comments this video has generated.

Grizzly Bare 5th Mar 2009 23:17

Why do you thnk that the readers of the African forum give a damn about what you yanks do?
Have you posted it on the Scandanavian forum? Is your posting here racially motivated?
We're not interested in your pushing your yankee ideological best/biggest/first-in-the-world cr*p on us. We're all battling to save our jobs with the interntional financial meltdown you yanks have caused with your greed.

AAL 6th Mar 2009 06:03

Cant see what all the fuss is about, after all, Europeans had to come to Africa to discover its wonders and name them. Just imagine, we must have been oblivious about the existance of Victoria Fall, Lake Victoria, Lake Edward, source of the Nile etc, etc.

Thank you very much for helping us African chappies so much and pointing us in the right direction, what would we have done without all the mirrors, beads, AK-47's ?

You were good to us and taught us such a lot :D Jambo Bwana! Anybody know if we ever paid for all these gifts?

perceval 6th Mar 2009 08:35

I believe a 'small' fee was indeed extracted from the subsequent trade relationships , but only nominal I'm sure . It did help (only a little) :hmm:to built the railways /Navies/palaces but eh ...what are 'friends' and 'mentors' for ?:\

Cave Troll 6th Mar 2009 12:56

Grizzly you took the words right out of my mouth. If the yanks did half the cr@p and listened to half the rules that they try to force onto the rest of he world the USA would be a much better place to stay and the rest of the world {3rd world in particular} would be a damn sight better off.

And for asacrj there are no "negative comments" made here. It would just be nice if you yanks would think a bit before you stuck your noses in other peoples business all the time. Stay out and go back to your own yanky thread. This is an african thread for people who work, live and deal with african aviation.

Have a great week end!


asacrj 9th Mar 2009 16:09

Why do you thnk that the readers of the African forum give a damn about what you yanks do?
Have you posted it on the Scandanavian forum? Is your posting here racially motivated?
We're not interested in your pushing your yankee ideological best/biggest/first-in-the-world cr*p on us. We're all battling to save our jobs with the interntional financial meltdown you yanks have caused with your greed.
First of all. I was born and raised in africa and still hold my african passport and still go to africa just about every month and still speak 4 of my native tongues and still have most of my peps in africa and the list go on...
You see,, i was just sharing the accomplishment of black females in aviation, nothing to do with America's policies in the world. All the things you said about America, what exactly does it have to do with black females in aviation.How is it racially motivated? You seem to forget that america has always been run by white people no black female pilots
Now I see why Kadhafi is having such a hard time creating the united state of africa.
The day we BLACKS can come together, regardless of where we from, will be the day that we will no longer see kenyans, like you, killing their own people over elections, south africans killing other africans over poverty, rwandans murdering their own over superiority and the list goes on and on, just watch the news. Maybe we should learm from the Americans after all. The raison they able to push their ideology is because they come together us a nation. In africa we can't even come together as people of one nation yet alone a whole continent.
This forum is not a political forum. if any of you have a problem with video I posted just tell me and i will stop. But dont come in here and start some stupid political debat refering yourselves as the victimes.:mad:
I'm as african as all of you here.

Hot Shots 10th Mar 2009 07:52

What the hell is wrong with all you people!!! This is not a politcal post! I saw the video, and yes, it might not be the first for Africa, but it is the first for the USA. And I think it is great that in aviation, even in a country like the USA, that they still do things that make THEIR nation proud. Yes, it is probably years after airlines in Africa, but it is a first over there. Why can't you just look at that and appreciate it. Have you ever looked at the ratio of white pilots to black pilots in Africa? If you would get off your little Sh:mad:t heap kingdoms and just think for a bit you would realise tht the ratio in places like America and Europe are alot different than in Africa. Its with :mad: attitudes like this that African aviation is where it is!

And yes, I am from Africa.

So, asacrj, thanks for the post.

asacrj 10th Mar 2009 19:02

Thank you Hot shots. You said it well ;)

I.R.PIRATE 11th Mar 2009 06:42

When achievements by certain group are really few and far between, you have to cheer on even the slightest of successes to remind the rest of the world that you are not as bad as they think.

Its tough being african.

Der absolute Hammer 11th Mar 2009 07:31

Possibly a cinematographic epoch along the same studio lines as the moon walk?

Champagne Lover 11th Mar 2009 09:22

I.R. Pirate, dit was moer eina!

AfricanEagle 11th Mar 2009 21:43

We are pilots and share the same skies. The laws of flight are the same for everyone.

Black, white, coloured, male, female, gay is totally irrelevant.

Cave Troll 12th Mar 2009 12:34

We band of brothers! African Eagle then you woke up and your coffee was cold......

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