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n92ec 9th Sep 2008 02:24

Flying in Tanzania?

I am thinking about going to Africa for a few years. A friend of mine suggested Tanzania, he has been there a few times on business.
I have over 3000 total time, about 800 multi engine and about 150 turbine. I have no experience in Africa, all of my flying was in the USA.
Could any of you guys please give me information on flying in Tanzania?
Job opportunities, pay, schedule, living conditions, aircraft conditions etc......

Any and all information will be appreciated.



Goffel 9th Sep 2008 05:50

Awsome flying.

I spent time flying in Tanzania doing locust control....some of my best times and flying.

It is an awsome country to fly in, especially if you get into the right company.

The people are very friendly and great to work with.

Good luck.

jetpet 9th Sep 2008 05:55

flew in tanzania for a few weeks and the place is really great fun...based out of arusha into the serengeti and occasionally to the coastal towns... zanzibar...

regional air, air excel
Coastal air
zan air.....all operate small turbo prop and some piston aircraft...not sure about package.

eikido 9th Sep 2008 06:53

Are you having difficulties finding a job in the US atm?


mimiwewe 9th Sep 2008 22:26

Beautifull place to be
Tanzania is very nice place 4 everrything, not only flying, speakin of flying there are alot of private fligt company they can hire u, I,m Tanzanian but i,m in USA finnishing my multi engine commercial taining, then i,m going back home,(MAY BE NEXT MONTH) if u want to know about my country(Tanzania) u can email me @ [email protected], Good luck and wellcome to land of peace

n92ec 13th Sep 2008 22:42


No, I do not have problem finding a job in the US.
I become a pilot for two reasons.
1. I like to fly.
2. I like to visit new places.

Bob3213 15th Sep 2008 16:56

and 3: (probably most important of all!!!) Pick up chicks!
Just leave your bullsh*t US politics at YOUR continent. :}

406pilot 17th Sep 2008 12:43

and 4.

making big bucks wearing aviator sunglasses and ordering coffee and chatting up the hosties

keep it up there fellows,

no more 406pilot

jbeebe 4th Oct 2008 01:20

family in tanzania
does anyone know if it is a good place for a family? My husband and I have a baby and are interested in moving to Tanzania, but we're having a tough time finding out whether it would be safe to move there (thinking disease wise with an infant) and whether we could afford to live there with a family of 3. He has about 2000 hours tt, and 200 on the caravan, and has been in contact w.Air Excel, they e-mailed him today asking about his hours and we are waiting to hear back. What about Malaria risks (or is that something to even worry about)? Thanks if anyone can help.

mimiwewe 4th Oct 2008 02:18

It depend where in Tanzania u going to live, if u will be in Dar es salaam or Arusha, those are good area ,considering with 3 kids, i dont know how old r they, but in those 2 area they have good private school and good private hospital, life is not that expensive,speakin of Malaria is everywhere but u can use mosquito spray in yr house or use mosquito net,

FaFa 30th Jul 2009 12:24

You wrote " Malaria is everywhere but u can use mosquito spray in yr house or use mosquito net "... Yes your right BUT how can we protect ourself from this mosquito when we are outside?

VarigMD11 30th Jul 2009 13:43

Malaria mosquitos only bite at dusk and during the night. So just cover up while your having your g n' t :-)

indaloamman 3rd Aug 2009 13:04

I spent 8 years in TZ, and during that time our daughter ranged in age from 8 weeks to 2.5 years.

On the health side you can live safely. If you are flying you will undoubtedly be exposed to malaria, so you will want to be continuously taking antimalarials. Ignore those who spout about side effects of antimalarial drugs: a very common side effect of malaria is death. Obviously you take the usual health precautions you would in any developing country: filter/boil drinking water, obsessively wash hands, soak fresh fruits and veggies in weak bleach or permag solutions, that kind of thing.

Crime unfortunately is on the up in Dar, though it ain’t nearly as bad as in NBO. You’ll need a security service on the house, etc. If I had to budget for monthly housing and related costs, modest place, for a family in Dar I’d budget 2-3K a month, maybe 1500-2500 a month in Arusha. To include utilities, water deliver, guard services, etc. Don’t forget your health insurance, and of course you will want the policy with the medevac option.

You will likely want to have your kid/s in international school, for which basic costs are $12-20K a year.

The aviation community is small and fairly tight, tends to be younger, and a mix of expats and Tanzanians. As in all countries there is significant pressure to employ citizens, so you have to have sponsor for a work permit. Then of course you have to do the TZ conversion of your JAA or FAA license. Facilities are modest to what you are compared to, expect to spend time at NBB doing maintenance.

Personally I think it is doubtful that you would find an employer who would give you a package that would let you have a lifestyle equivalent to what you had elsewhere—it’s impressively expensive in Africa, which is why most the pilots tend to be younger, unmarried or newly married, happy to live rough and ready. And they don’t have the financial requirement of school.

But if you can work it out….some really exciting flying.

austra1998 5th Aug 2009 10:18

lovely suggestions...
antimalaria forever, obsessively wash hands, soak fresh fruits and veggies in weak bleach or permag solutions, boil water....

man?? your life must be a busy one!:-)

spent 3 years in tanzania flying around. never had malaria ( no antimalaria) never washed my hand....well...i did..usually before eating. never washed fresh fruit in weak bleach or permag solution...for the water i just bought the one at the supermarket.

had a wonderful time and never had a problem!

modest place for 2500 3000 usd?? are you kidding me??

found more then one great villa with huge gardens in the upanga area for 800 usd a month ( now maybe 1000)

the work permit has never been a problem...changed 3 company in 3 years...easy as 123

if you got time on the van you can get an average of 4000/5000 usd a month tax free! sometimes they give you the house as well.

tanzania is not that expensive... you just need to know where to go... and it will take you a month if you hang out with the right guys...

i don't know indolamman but he does not sound like one of those guys!

all the best


indaloamman 9th Aug 2009 06:17

austra1998 sounds like one of those rough and ready types--I used to be one too. Note that some of the earlier threads mentioned folks with families...who might prefer to hang at home with kids. My nice not over-the-top 3BR bungalow with a yard in Msisani costs $18K annually. Guard and alarm service was about USD 400/month; 2 x 9000 liter tankers of water a month costs about $200, luku, etc. it all adds up. No a/c by the way, no genny, just an inverter backup for lights and fans. Household staff did the chores, and the yacht club with other kids was close by. austra1998 is correct about upanga, but it may not be suitable for everyone. And I suspect that school fees would be a deal killer.

alaspain 28th Nov 2009 17:10

Please I need to find some email address to send my CV to Coastal.
I'm very interesting to find a job there.
Could you help me?
Thank you very much.

B737 lover 29th Nov 2009 04:40

Re: Coastal
Hi alaspain,
Send your CV to [email protected]
It will go straight to the Chief pilot, his name is Capt. Aziz. Very nice guy indeed.
Aka benz lover.

nerof53 29th Nov 2009 06:59

Nice Pilot?
The chief pilot in Costal does not count at all.He just there for the funny .
Anna she what she believe to be the boss, but be careful do not count on your experience or no either your good manner , she is just like any other HR in aviation, she look at you and if she can see in the mature and responsible guy that may question in some what the way she run the business .... well forget the job.
Look carefully .
She does not know anythink about aviation no either a good manner.
I would you suggest do not move for Coastal.

alaspain 29th Nov 2009 10:45

Thank you very much for your mail B737 lover.
I'm really interested in come back to Africa and live and work there.
Best regards.

Jockey Straddler 30th Nov 2009 03:58

Africa is a unique place... sort of getting in someones' blood. i have been out of africa for 15 years but see? Still hanging around African Forum.

nerof53 & alaspain.

I have lived and worked in Nairobi for sometimes, I know Coastal, which is based in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, and though I have never met Anna, I have heard a lot, a sort of hangar talk.

In short, nothing wrong with her. But a lot wrong with us pilots, especially general aviation pilots, who instead of concentrating on procedures and check-lists, or sitting quietly in the crew room watching tv, they go on messing around with administrative matters, or appointing themselves to be company pr, a lot of yak yak yak, and in the prossess, belittling and discredit people like anna, stepping on their toes all the time . What is next? Your guess is as good as mine.

Csanad007 30th Nov 2009 04:54

If this is the case
So if Anna is the one who decides then it would be handy to get her email address, too. Does anyone know it?
Dropping a CV to both Capt. Aziz and Anna seems to be the best choice.
Thanks in advance.

B737 lover 30th Nov 2009 11:41

Here we go [email protected]
You guys must pay me for this, anyway just kidding.
I worked for Coastal for so many years, no much regrets but you just have to get used to Anna, she is not that bad. Actually she was and still is very good to me, even though i'm not with Coastal anymore.
Get ready to log as many single engine hours as possible.
Aka benz lover.

747rubani 30th Nov 2009 16:00

I flew in Arusha from 96-99 for Northern Air. I was thinking about taking a leave of absence from my current job and going back to Arusha to do some bush flying. It was an awesome experience flying in Tanzania. Couple of questions:

What's the job market like?
How long does it take to renew commercial and instrument?

I have a Tanzanian passport so work permit is not an issue. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!!

sebi69 4th Dec 2009 11:08

Flying in TZ
Hi there.
With your experience, you should go for precision air, they're the biggest operator here and they have ATR's, 737's.
Also you've got air tanzania with dash 8 etc..
as for the rest, it's only caravans and 206's. It pays 3500 usd for caravan.
My feeling don't waste your time with general aviation, go for the big ones, with your hours, you should score. An ATR raing would be of course a big plus.
Good luck.

alaspain 15th Jan 2010 11:25

Flying In Tanzania
Hello 737 Lover:
I have sended me CV to Cpt.Aziz and Anna few weeks ago but I dont have any answer from them. Actually I have around 1800TT and 1000 Metro III hours.
Perhaps you can help me with this, I promise you I will pay a couple of beers at least.
Thank you very much Sir.:)

sb0nd1 10th Feb 2010 07:33

TZ citizen
Well, following this discussion, i couldnt get a better place to ask my similar question...

Im also a TZ citizen with abt 250TT, just graduated frm embry riddle with FAA CPL/AMEL. Planning to return to dar in april. I also have a dispatchers licence...

1.What is the best thing that can happen in my career in tanzania?

2. Ive heard that the conversion duration can be short, but how much approximate COST can I expect?

3. Start salaries for the carrier you think I can go for?

I will appreciate all the wisdom!

Nitashukuru Sana!!

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