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JPSV 5th Apr 2008 07:43

S.A. Pilots being blacklisted
Overheard a conversation between two operators at Lanseria Airport resturant this morning that the South African operators have started a forum for blacklisting pilots that are trouble makers.
Can anybody give more info.:ooh:

Babuska 5th Apr 2008 07:50

I cannot confirm but I like the idea, its about time we get rid of all the sh:mad: makers in our industry. they make us look bad out in the real world.

Lynessa 5th Apr 2008 07:55

Seconded, I am sick of taking the rap for the small percentage of pilots causing all the crap in our industry. We ment to be proffesional people but can spend most of our time complaining of the most tiny problems.
They need to get out so the rest of us that want to do our jobs can get on with it.

JMSP 5th Apr 2008 09:02

Well done Operators, S.A. pilots are excellent pilots but have the worst reputation in the industry.
I have been told that by more than one of the larger international airlines during interviews in the past 12 months.
At last the guys that do the work and look after the Operators will start be awarded and get good references when moving uo the ladder.
Just like any other business the people that are part of a team get rewarded and the people that cause all the crap get pushed out.
Long overdue.

groundfloor 5th Apr 2008 09:38

Careful Gents, this could be a real hot potatoe! Making trouble how? Booking off sick all the time? Late for flights? or refusing to fly over weight or go against manufacturer limits etc....Yes Saffers can be bloody minded! I can think of a few that were well known for it - Malan, Pienaar, Wilkins, Alberts, Kay etc.....YES men they arent. Agreed there is a very small minority of barrack room lawyers but in my experience 95% of the guano has come from the operators...:bored:

Solid Rust Twotter 5th Apr 2008 09:56

Might pick up some grief with the new Labour Act doing that.

maxrated 5th Apr 2008 11:02

I think not !
Given that some of the SA flight ops management are incapable of organising a p1ssup in a brewery, I hardly think that there's any possibility of any 'pilot blacklist' becoming mainstream or being taken seriously.

Besides, there are many well documanted examples of the most severely inept and dysfunctional individuals rising up through the ranks of SA aviation companies on the strength of connections to Old school tie/ SAAF old boys club/ attend same church etc. Placing these peoples names on a list will serve zero purpose.

More so in the contract environment where even the most reprobate pilot will have fistfulls of $$ thrown at him when a company is suddenly hard up for crew.

Possibly, pilots should come up with a blacklist of air ops management who crisis manage, are inept at planning ahead, habitually screw up their company's pilot rosters, cancell approved leave, and are generally incompetant at forseeing even the most obvious screwups coming from 3 weeks away.:ugh:

newcrew 5th Apr 2008 11:12

could not agree more
Given that some of the SA flight ops management are incapable of organising a p1ssup in a brewery, I hardly think that there's any possibility of any 'pilot blacklist' becoming mainstream or being taken seriously.

Besides, there are many well documanted examples of the most severely inept and dysfunctional individuals rising up through the ranks of SA aviation companies on the strength of connections to Old school tie/ SAAF old boys club/ attend same church etc. Placing these peoples names on a list will serve zero purpose.

More so in the contract environment where even the most reprobate pilot will have fistfulls of $$ thrown at him when a company is suddenly hard up for crew.

oompilot 5th Apr 2008 18:41

Typical! Expect pilots to work outside of the SA law and aircraft spec, then start a site to bad mouth pilots who don’t comply. I think this site would lead to a list of law abiding pilots who can’t be bullied.

Solid Rust Twotter 5th Apr 2008 18:50

Possibly, pilots should come up with a blacklist of air ops management who crisis manage, are inept at planning ahead, habitually screw up their company's pilot rosters, cancell approved leave, and are generally incompetant at forseeing even the most obvious screwups coming from 3 weeks away.
In SA? That would be pretty much all of them then...:hmm:

Typical! Expect pilots to work outside of the SA law and aircraft spec, then start a site to bad mouth pilots who don’t comply. I think this site would lead to a list of law abiding pilots who can’t be bullied.
I think you may just be onto something there, Oompilot.:ok:

Contract Dog 6th Apr 2008 11:41

can you really see all the big players in the industry sitting down over a cup of tea discussing who not to hire? they are all too buisy trying to poach crew from each other for that.


JG1 7th Apr 2008 13:47

They might not be capable of organizing a pissup in a brewery, but they LOVE directing their time and effort at bullsh1t like this.

So they will blacklist anyone who crossed them or stood up for himself and his crew, then, when they are desperate, they will go behind each others back straaaaiaght to the blacklist and hire okes off of it:suspect:

Propellerpilot 7th Apr 2008 21:56

Who then is to judge to what is gossip and what is true. I can just imagine how many "loosers" are out there, who actually do their jobs really well and even go further than the job requirments - then to be humiliated by jealous individuals seeking to make that persons life miserable for their own gain. What I am talking about is mobbing. This is not only something that happens in aviation but in any other sector - and often management is directly or indirectly involved in the mobbing process too cover up own weaknesses. This whole issue is extreamly counterproductive in a business - just as are those individuals who should indeed be blacklisted. To this reason, I do not think such a list can supply anything unless it is based on objective facts-what are the ways in order to achieve this without judging a person by his/her cover ? Or might some get blacklisted for some kind of petty stuff ?

flux 7th Apr 2008 22:47

A list like this leaves itself to abuse, who are the muppets that were disscussing it, that is the question?

FatFrank 8th Apr 2008 07:07

What a load of Krud !!

Who is anyone to decide who is good or who is bad. What is the criteria, crashed, turned up p1ssed, late or just happened to talk back at the wrong time and express an opinion. I would do my best to bust this nonsense.

Very, very open to abuse by the "powers that be"

Contract Dog 8th Apr 2008 08:44

Overheard a conversation between two operators at Lanseria Airport resturant this morning that the South African operators have started a forum for blacklisting pilots that are trouble makers.
Can anybody give more info.:ooh:
Come on guys, all this from a "first time" pruner? Its a blatant wind up! The operators at FALA can barely co ordinate their current contracts, let allone a mass crew data base of who is or isnt worth hiring. what a load of hog wash!


four engine jock 8th Apr 2008 09:23

What a load of KAK
This whole story about blacklisting SA pilots is BULLCRAP to put it in a nice way.
From my ex SA pilot are among some of the best pilots in the world.
be that as it may there are always some rotten apples. But that happens everywere.
So SA pilots should just blacklist the crap operators.
SO to all SA pilots .
FLY SAFE!!!!!!!!!!

I.R.PIRATE 8th Apr 2008 09:25

NOw I wonder if some of us will be blacklisted for not doing the horizontal mumbo with certain charter hags at FALA?

It has been a trick for many years to snag young, toight pilots....:E

chevael 8th Apr 2008 18:07

Hi fellow pilots, yes, we are own worst enemies?? Why? Because we will, after getting your comm. Fly for any body, at what ever rate? anywhere just to get hours and then what? Now we have some experience and now demand a livable wage! So what next, there are a dozen plus waiting in the wings to take over! Now we go and bitch and then are referred to as trouble makers. We have only got our selves to blame.
Time to stand up and demand to be respected as professionals, for what is, after all our passions and a great way of life..

SIDESTICKDRIVER 11th Apr 2008 10:05

Well Said 4 Engine Jock
I totally agree with your sentiments. As you mentioned, there will always be bad apples wherever you go, but I think it would be more prudent to list the k:mad:k operators !!

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