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LostAndFound 12th Dec 2007 02:37

FAA to Nigerian License
Fellows, does the Nigerian CAA offer conversions based on temporary FAA airman certificate issued or it has to be the card type license/certificate issued by the FAA ?

Secondly, any idea on timeline for the conversion and what exams to write based on FAA license? Does it still take like three months to do the conversion?


skygod 12th Dec 2007 08:35

hi there,
Recently, the NCAA requires that you have an original FAA licence, not a temp. If you can get a verification letter from the FAA b4 u get to nigeria. Its always very difficicult trying to get one when ur in nigeria. Conversion to NCAA u need to write 3 exams. airlaw,performance, and aircraft loading. gud luck, and if u can get on a jet right away....try Arik,or VIRGIN nigeria.....cheers


outofhereoyibo 12th Dec 2007 18:24

I did FAA , only had to write airlaw and some other silly light test.

kwachon 12th Dec 2007 18:29

Couple of Ben Franklins should do it.

Localiser Established 29th Dec 2007 01:11

JAA Licence to NCAA
I'll be heading to Nigeria in a couple of weeks to convert my (newly acquired) JAA(UK) licence to an NCAA. Does anybody have an idea of how long the process will take and any exams that have to be taken?


Metro man 29th Dec 2007 07:24

You will probably find the more "dash" you lay out the easier and quicker the conversion will be. Try asking people who recently converted licences for the going rate and who to pay off :E

hotmj43 29th Dec 2007 09:50

Metro man is talking Nonsense,what dash and to whom !!!
With a Jar ATPL,all you have to do is Nigerian Airlaw,if you are a Nigerian,if not,you will sit Airlaw,for a Validation,You will also have to take a Nigerian Medical,with a Nigerian AME.
Also go along with a License Verification from the CAA,and Non accident.
This process,can take anything from a Month to three months,Airlaw exams are sat on certain days of the week.
Good Luck:)

hotmj43 29th Dec 2007 09:59

Metro Man,
i assume u crawled out of a hole,obstructed with c:mad:p.It would help if
you give truthful contributions,rather than what you picked up on the way out
Are you seriously suggesting that,NCAA STAFF have a parallel route to License conversions:yuk:

Metro man 29th Dec 2007 11:29

In a country where corruption is endemic do you expect anyone to believe the NCAA is clean ? Google "Nigeria+corruption" gets you 527 000 hits to start with.

Anyone reading this who has spent time living in Nigeria and never had to pay a bribe to customs/immigration/police/government department etc to get something done please speak up !

Lagos is renown for forgery, couple of hundred US$ should get you a fake foreign licence with verification letters. Take these into NCAA with a "brown envelope", place in the right hands and collect your licence in a few days. If you have a genuine foreign licence even easier;)

BTW I have access to an account containing US$20 000 000 which I will share with you if you let me use your bank account to facilitate the release of the funds. Send me details of your account together with a blank page, signed at the bottom and US$2500 for taxes and other incidentals. Western Union preferred.

Yours Sincerly

Barrister John Dada
Nigerian National Petrolium Agency:E

LongJohnThomas 29th Dec 2007 12:20

Metro man,
You know, i really have tried to see things from your point of view, but i just cant seem to get my head that far up my ARSE!!!!:mad::ugh:
If you wish to discuss politics, please find another forum for that!
You have no evidence and cannot substantiate allegations you have made against NCAA and it's officials. :eek:
I take it that because there are a few BAD Nigerians, you must paint the whole country the same colour and it's aviation personnel.
Which is your country of origin? And let me tell you about yours!!!!:=
If you have nothing constructive to add to the questions posed here, :oh: i suggest you take a hike and go wash out your mouth, cos it stinks to high heavens.
I have no answers for the young man, thus, i made no comment earlier, but for you? I do have an answer!
Buzz off!!!

Tokunbo 29th Dec 2007 12:58

Metro man,

Notwithstanding my recent post about the Chairman of the EFCC being moved, I have to say that I agree with those posters who think you're talking out of your rear end :yuk:. There's no denying that corruption is endemic here, but the government, until this weekend, has been making some progress in trying to eradicate it. This has resulted in some verifiable progress as, according to Transparency International, Nigeria has improved to being 7th most corrupt country in the world. This may not seem much to the likes of you, but for a country which has been in the top 3 for many, many years, it is proof that things in Nigeria are slowly getting better.

The NCAA has made great strides forward in recent years and has passed a number of ICAO and FAA audits in the last 3 years. You may be able to Google 'Nigeria+corruption', but show us one hit from that specifically naming the NCAA. I see that your profile lists you living in South East Asia and from posts you have previously made, it seems you may be in Singapore. Interestingly I Googled up 'Singapore+corruption' and one of the hits talks of the corrupt links between big business and the Singapore People's Action Party. Is one to infer from this that if I pay big $$$ I can get a Singaporean licence? Of course not.

BTW you can't just take a foreign licence and verification letter in to the NCAA once you've passed your Air Law. The NCAA normally requires a fax from the authority issuing the licence to certify that it is genuine and valid. This was in response to corrupt expatriates trying to get Nigerian validations on the basis of licences which were either fake or invalid.

I have lived in Nigeria for a great deal of my working life and have never yet paid a single bribe to 'customs/immigration/police/government department'. Yes, I've been asked for one, but I normally find that a humorous refusal gets a humorous retort with no further demands.

I suggest that if you have any real proof you put your $20 million where your mouth is and present it. If not, an apology would be in order :hmm:

MamaPut 29th Dec 2007 13:20

It seems that corruption is set to be the winner in Nigeria again. What are the odds on it being back in the top 3 when TI's corruption index is next published at the end of 2008? Former Delta State governor James Ibori, who is believed to have stolen over $1 billion during his time in office and now in prison awaiting trial on 129 charges of corruption appears to be the man who is actually running Nigeria and pulling the strings on his puppet Yar'Adua. $1 billion buys a lot of power and votes in Nigeria :(

Chris Albin-Lackey, researcher on Nigeria at Human Rights Watch, told Reuters that if Mr Ribadu's suspension goes ahead, "the day he leaves office will be the day the credibility of Nigeria's 'war on corruption' is entirely destroyed".
The campaign group Transparency International, describes Nigeria as one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) under Mr Ribadu has convicted over 150 persons involved in economic and financial crimes since its establishment in 2003.

hotmj43 29th Dec 2007 13:34

Metro Man,as they have all said,this is not a Political Forum,My previous reply stands.:ok:

hotmj43 29th Dec 2007 13:36

Metro Man, A FOOL AT FOURTY IS A !!!!!Fill in the rest:confused:

BALEWA 29th Dec 2007 15:30

I'll just observe for now, this metro man looks like a good candidate for my new year bash:E

hotmj43 30th Dec 2007 02:45

For the record it is NNPC,you FOOL,get your facts right John Dada:ugh:

Metro man 30th Dec 2007 04:59

Sorry about that, I got the Nigerian National Petrolium Corporation mixed up with the Nigerian Space Agency. Currently I am collecting funds to rescue a Nigerian astronaut who is stranded in space due to the NSA having spent all its budget for this financial year.

Major Obada is fast running out of food and oxygen, I need US$5 000 000 to send up a rocket to collect him. Please send donations in multiples of US$ 1000 to me via Western Union, alternately credit card details gratefully recieved.:E

hotmj43 30th Dec 2007 08:50

Well Metro Man you continue to show your foolishness, i would like to think,that we all consider this forum,seriously......if you have problems of growing up,i suggest strongly....you drop out of this discussion.
If you have a fixation on Nigerian Fraud,go treat yourself,i suggest strongly
ALAGBON CLOSE IKOYI LAGOS,or Better still ARO, if you cant get the fare together,YABA will do.:yuk:

ZAZOO 30th Dec 2007 16:06

Moderators must be on holiday
And what is the relation to all this with aviation or the youngmans question about converting his FAA license to the NCAA equivalent.

For Metro man to carry on like this on this thread without any of the moderators intervening only makes me come to the conclusion that Jetdriver and 4HolerPoler must be on holiday!

Or maybe I just dont have any sense of humour to appreciate this kind of posts on pprune anymore.


mtoroshanga 30th Dec 2007 18:51

Comment. I have held a Nigerian licence for 14 years and have never seen any lack of integrity.

middlepath 30th Dec 2007 18:56

To be fair to METRO MAN, there is definately some truth in his statement, my experience was similar to what he has expressed. If you dash it will definately help expadite what you are looking for, it was that way ten years ago unless there has been dramatic chenges since then.

Metro man 30th Dec 2007 21:54

Don't forget that corruption in Africa is all the white mans fault for either offering bribes in the first place or paying them when demanded. :rolleyes:

You chaps haven't exactly made a very good job of things over the last forty odd years have you ?

Nigeria with its vast oil wealth could be one of the richest countries in the world yet the vast majority live in poverty. Tremondous agricultural potential, some of which is being developed by displaced white Zimbabwean farmers, yet you have to import food. An oil producer with regular fuel shortages ???

I mearly commented that converting to a Nigerian licence could involve corruption, given that it is endemic in Nigeria. You even have your own word for it - "dash".

I have 5 ATPLs and 1 CPL so I do have some experience of licence conversion.;)

BALEWA 30th Dec 2007 23:07

Since you know so much about the faults of the Black and White men Metro Man, please tell me what is the problem with White People and Pedophilia and all these lurid accounts of child molestation we keep getting on the news on nearly a daily basis now, even in the Catholic and Anglican Church by white priests!!!

Many people down here in Nigeria still don't understand what this mental illness is all about, and are worried about foreign teachers, pilots engineers and all that coming to Nigeria.

Since the arrest of Christopher Paul Niel, a Canadian teacher It has come to the point that some professionals in the aviation industry in Nigeria are calling for thorough screening of all foreign pilots of caucasian origin concerning their backgrounds and enlisting the help of foreign agencies to do a background check before we allow them in here.

The biggest misunderstanding many people have here is that pedophilia and homosexuality are one and the same.

How in the name of God can a grown up man find a toddler sexualy desirable:*
The other day at the airport I backed away when my white colleague tried to pick up my 5yr old son from me, dont get me wrong man just a tad worried;)

Could you advise.

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