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blueline69 31st Oct 2001 04:20

The Sam 7 and YOU !!
Now that i find myself in Angola i often catch myself peering out the window looking for any teltail sighns of an explosive dart being fired at me. The question is , what do you look for ? What do these guys around here still have ? How safe are we really ? :confused: :confused:

[ 31 October 2001: Message edited by: blueline69 ]

Chris2 31st Oct 2001 09:43

Blueline 69

As Jam Doughnut said in other thread, make your way down to the WFP pilot's house on a Friday night, and all will be revealed :D :D :D

It is near the Viking Club/Swedish building.

Cheers Dutchie

DownIn3Green 31st Oct 2001 14:05


I don't think Blueline is in Luanda.


As you said on a different thread, just keep on keepin' on with the beer and you'll find a way to survive.

Jam Doughnuts 2nd Nov 2001 00:06

Hell I did too many smiley faces and It didn't let me post my reply....well it was probably kak anyways..... so here we are again sans little smiley faces.....

With the sams you not going to see it unless you got good eyesite or wearing your superman outfit..... last sam that was seen was from the cockpit of the following aircraft........all they saw was the smoke trail as it went wide.....

It does very much depends on the flavour as to where you going to be safe.... when you below 10,000 AGL the shoulder launched sam 7 or stinger, but you gota see what you shooting at first, wait for the thing to start growling, then hey presto ! pull trigger and all going well.....bye bye bad guy.....however if you point and shoot in the general direction it going to go whizzing past and scare the sh#t out of anyone who see's it.....

The next one they have is the supersonic telephone type, usually truck or fixed site launch, however the sting is its radar guided and longer range.. they say up to 15,000 AGL and it will still get you, dependant on model, can even be higher... and if you lucky enough to see it and try some of the fancy stuff, i has a proximity fuse, so it'll think hey close enough....BOOM !!
want to see what they look like.... after take off RWY 23 FNLU climb straight ahead , look out the left hand window at the end of the runway... small herd grazing.....

There is another to beware of..... thats the former Olympic Clay Pigeon shooter... he is rumoured to have taken out a AN12, Boris got careless out of one strip, figured with his liquid Kevlar would climb on track to destination.... No Fu*&in fais mal..... so no evasive manouvers.... bang !! no suprises there......taken out with nothing more sophisticated than an RPG7.... far fetched maybe...but Boris isn't around to tell the tale....

The last one is the AA guns... they do have them but generally the are never swivelled above the horizontal...to much hard work... they used in the Urban theater to shoot though the barn door to get at the guy on the other side...easier than out flanking him...but if pointed skywards....good to about 10,000 AGL

All of course open to rumour, speculums and correction.....so going to have a beer now to cool off the brain.....

Cardinal Puff 2nd Nov 2001 00:41

The initial launch can sometimes be identified (if you're quick and have good eyesight or are low level) by a type of corkscrew smoke trail created by the primary charge being fired and the rocket motor kicking in while the beast stabilises and all the fins and other junk align themselves.

Rocket motor only burns for a few seconds but accelerates the missile to supersonic speeds after which it runs ballistically to a distance of around 14000 - 15000' (SAM7).

Hope this helps.

BTW, the tone heard by the operator is actually a low frequency vibration felt through a buzz bar (not bus bar) against the cheek.

madherb 2nd Nov 2001 09:50

Hey guys.......now I know why I fly at great heights, over those SAMs - scary stuff for an ex-helo jock, but at least my shreddies stay reasonably sanitary! Takes me back 2 the good ol' days of Cuca and pao for breakfast, the sound of the bush at night, only slightly marred by the odd "chunky chuckle" from an inebriated (sorry - "nauseous")colleague........

blueline69 3rd Nov 2001 01:02

Thanks for all the responses. Hope that this info is handy to others and that it doesn't put to many guys of from coming to smell the vast range of frangances in Luanda. You also have to come and appreciate the ATC's. :eek: :eek:

Jam Doughnuts 3rd Nov 2001 01:43

Hi 69

nice number..... the best...

I will have some more updates as to what and who has where and what it does,some day next week, courtsey of an Intel contact or 3....so will post it when I have it.....

by the way didnt know **** counted as a fragrance :eek:

Herc Jerk 3rd Nov 2001 02:26

What about a 'scratch-and-sniff' road map of Lunada? Guaranteed to find your way home with your eyes closed.

BTW, has anyone else ever wondered where all the man-hole covers get to?

Trouble is i just can't seem to get comfortable anymore... :D

Kubota 3rd Nov 2001 04:23

Reading this puts a different perspective on our "troubles" here at cathay...

You guys have "Mas Grande Cajones".

Chris2 3rd Nov 2001 07:18


Jam Doughnuts 3rd Nov 2001 23:33

Hi all

Man hole covers..... ever felt the weight of them ??? then think what you will get as scrap value even in luanda..... feed the missus and kids for a month... and yes i did see them taking them one night while taking the beer scooter home.....took three of them to carry it.... :D

Luanda smell ???? road map not required .... smell gets worse....getting closer.... smell gets less.....further away.....and thats at 30,000 ft.... so no road map required.... :D

As for the ATC... perhaps we should start a chirps thread, to see who comes up with the most original..... In DRC at the moment and miss old dodo and his "wakeup !" ,
in fact going to do that right now.....did see a similar thread in the european on about nice ATC's etc....

By the way herc jerk, you not into Breitlings are you ??

Herc Jerk 4th Nov 2001 02:33


And don't think you're gonna trade my man-hole cover for some crappy watch either.

blueline69 4th Nov 2001 05:10

Calling Luanda ??? :mad: :mad:

DownIn3Green 4th Nov 2001 06:17

You must be bored Blueline...

The Guvnor 4th Nov 2001 15:36

Dunno about Luanda, but my partner tells me that one of our kilo4 mechanics nicked a prop off one of our CL44s in FIH and sold it as scrap. To make matters worse, it had the best times remaining and he'd been planning to flog it to FIA for their Guppy for $85,000!

We've also had tools, a satphone, cash, CDs, boom-box and various other nick-nacks go missing. On top of that, we've had thousands of dollars worth of Jet A1 get drained off. Sometimes I think that if it wasn't so heavy, those b'stards would nick the aircraft as well! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Ah well, you know what they say - if you can't take a joke, don't come to Africa!

Chris2 4th Nov 2001 16:56

What about the AN-32 that lost a propeller IN FLIGHT !!!

Emergency landing at Malange and parked there for the next few months.

Somebody's got a new ceiling fan in their grass hut now :D

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