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chuks 23rd Sep 2005 16:40

I just heard this morning that 6 out of 8 guys who passed the whole Virgin Nigeria selection process declined the offer, over pay. My informant went on to say that the pay is due to be improved to attract more people.

Personally, I know nothing, except what I have heard. So don't shoot the messenger if you don't like what I am repeating here. Why the offer is so meagre, I have no idea, just as I cannot understand the Calverton business model or why helicopters with little bitty wheels are better than helicopters with big long skids for landing out in the middle of a swamp. I guess I shall never make Manager at this rate...

Shinobi 25th Sep 2005 22:16

Virgin Nigeria recruitment and developments
Virgin Nigeria came out with a very good strategy into the market.That of adverts,product pricing(tickets) allthough initially, they did not do this, probably due to not having a good enough understanding of the market,that they would have to win customers over.They also targetted flight crew from the significant competitor(s).This overall was a good strategy to get into the market.

The selection process also was taken seriously,in order to get the proper type of people into the organization.
Where I see they have blundered is the renumeration for their Pilots.I was told by a source that the pay for the Pilots,is not in tune with the present day situation in the country.The meagre sums provided for Transport,feeding etc.I do not want to give figures so it does not seem as if the intention is to cause any embarassment.For instance,the figure for transport,I was told is not even enough to buy more than a few litres of fuel into a car.

Even though Virgin Nigeria is just starting,they must not forget that their flightcrew will make or break the image they want to portray.Do they want scruffy looking hungry and dejected Pilots working for them.The pay is even below what applies in the Nigerian Industry,not to talk of Internationally.One of the local Airlines,that jacked up their pay to retain their crew making their basic pay(For Captains)N450,000 with an extra N50,000 for every year served in the company.People who have been there 4 years have a basic of N650,000.They are then payed an allowance of N10,000 for every day flying.You can calculate what the takehome will be.It will be dificult to get people leave their comfortable jobs and come to fly New generation planes,while they won`t even be able to afford "three square meals".

I saw a post for easyjet recently.They have Captains earning up to 100,000 pounds per annum.These are Pilots thyat you would find flying the same aeroplanes like those here.Is it being infered that the Nigerian Pilots are inferior, that it is considered to pay tham below what the market dictates.I think it is not too late for Virgin Nigeria to accept its mistakes and march on ,flying a new leaf. These are the people that will be responsible for the safety of their passengers caring for their very expensive equipment

ZAZOO 26th Sep 2005 00:14




Oyindo 26th Sep 2005 18:04

Everything said, a word is enough for the wise. Now VK do the right thing it is not to late.

Amadu 26th Sep 2005 19:43

well said shinobi.
I happen to know some of the HR people in VK. They had a link with a popular multinational in naija and come from one part of africa. From my experience, they have a tendency of trying to rip off nigerians.Even in the other sectors were their kins are, they never pay well and all they do is to exploit nigerians.I was not shocked to hear that they are now HR people in VK after leaving the company we worked together.The irony is that they dont care about nigerians, but will rather fill up their purse and leave to suck another company dry.

Oyindo 27th Sep 2005 11:49

They had a link with a popular multinational in naija and come from one part of africa. From my experience, they have a tendency of trying to rip off nigerians
Dear oh dear, Mr Adamu, I believe we only have ourselves to blame. If multi nationals can come into our country and do as they please and the powers that be allow it, then we deserve everything we get.
There is really no need to complain, if you dig deep into their activities you will find a Nigerian or two conniving with them. There are laws in place to protect us all and the machinery in place to enforce it. I feel the government is moving in the right direction in putting things in order. A dose of kirikiri would change a man for life; the hard part is getting them in there.
As I see it Richard and the Nigerian investors will be keeping a tight reign on things at VK they are no fools.

surely not 27th Sep 2005 17:44

Wh compare an easyjet salary for a pilot based in UK with that of a pilot based in Nigeria?? Reality check plse............. cost of living in UK much higher than Nigeria for locals.

HappyPilot 27th Sep 2005 18:40

Lets not get carried away here, the point is this, if you want to attract the best(which i get the impression that VK was after), you have to pay for it. People wouldn't be complaining about the wages if the pay deal is the same or better than what they used to get. I think that is the point here.

Its not a matter of comparing it to the wages of any other country. If u want someone to leave the life style they are used to financially, u have to provide a better deal. Its simply not good enough to entice people with a newer model of a/c and we are not even talking A380 here.

I more than anyone appreciate the fact that we have a national carrier we can call our own at last, and I'm glad that thing have gotten off to a good start, but we need to keep the staff we are employing so as not to end up with high costs in pilot turnover, bond or no bond. Hope this clarifies what the point is.

Qbkair 1st Oct 2005 11:39

Wh compare an easyjet salary for a pilot based in UK with that of a pilot based in Nigeria?? Reality check plse............. cost of living in UK much higher than Nigeria for locals. SN

.... my oh my , the same worn out arguement again.
I wonder if thesame UK resident has to be a local govt.. all unto himself. He/She definately does not have to buy a generator, refuel it or keep his water supply healthy. He/She certainly does not have to provide security, in whatever guise for themselves.... the arguement can go on forever, but alas I forget we are 'LOCAL'S, so what does it matter.

On the same train of thought, why charge the same or more airfare for the same distance when it is cheaper, i.e. fuel, cost of LOCAL staff etc., over here?

I stand to be educated.:hmm: :sad:

Oyindo 2nd Oct 2005 07:05

I wonder if the same UK resident has to be a local govt.. all unto himself
Unfortunately there are a few around we just have put up with. That's what gives this forum the flavour.
I Surely not, should be able to advice. Exploitation, being ripped off, inflation etc... does come to mind.
Hope this helps

surely not 2nd Oct 2005 16:25

Hmmmmm, not sure that my comments aren't being twisted here.
People have a choice as to what they spend their money on in both countries, but in Lagos if you are an ex pat you pay more for what you buy than if you are a Nigerian.

Prices in UK for most things are higher than in Nigeria, this reflects the higher earning potential. Sorry you feel you have to 'put up' with me Oyindo, but I am sure that you cannot disagree with the fact that UK is a very expensive place to live?

If the VK pay really is so poor as you all say it will be reflected in the number of people not joining, or leaving asap. I don't know the answer to this as I am not fully aware of the details of VK pay, but I have heard that whilst the basic is not any better than a few (not ALL) of the other Nigerian carriers, the flight pay and allowances put them ahead. Now if this isn't true then don't shoot the messenger.

Oyindo 3rd Oct 2005 12:08

I do hope you are not riddled with holes by now. I do wish I could put a few in myself. :)
As it has been said by fellow prunners like Shinobi and others, the whole package is below industry standards. You say ``the flight pay and allowances put them ahead’’ That simply is not true. It would not be fair on VK to post what’s on offer on this forum. Let’s preserve her modesty.
Judging from your previous posts on VK you have a great deal of knowledge into the back ground and its operations which I commend but not the remuneration part of it. I suggest you get a shovel out and start digging; you sure will get a big surprise. I have no hidden agenda all I want is the very best for VK and my country. VK should not be compared to other domestic carriers it should be the other way round. It’s our FLAG carrier for goodness sake.
I do agree that the UK is more expensive place to live in than Nigeria. You can’t compare the quality of living between the two places. Things (like basic amenities) you take for granted where you live are a luxury for us here and it costs, everyone is affected by this, be you an expatriate or local. We are not talking of carvings from Lekki market or Takwa bay where the expatriate will obviously pay more. I believe we should all expect a certain quality/standard of living you can’t achieve that on low wages.

Rani 5th Oct 2005 06:30

VK 737-300
This just in:

At least one 737-300 airframe is coming from Frontier Airlines (or ex-Frontier). The year of manufacture is well ahead of 1996. The a/c is painted and awaiting delivery (unknown location).

The other 6 airframes are ex-EasyJet and are much newer than the -300 mentioned above.

Well at least our worst fears of VK becoming a dumping ground for ageing 737-300 of the 1980s are gone.

Rani 12th Oct 2005 21:43

Virgin Nigeria - Routes and Aircraft
Hi all,

Nice to see VK add more international destinations. Douala joins Accra and London Gatwick. Thanks to Soups for the shout, here is OAG listing for the VK flight to Douala:

vk will start flights to Douala on the 25th of october
Flights will be on a daily A320
VK 823
Lagos, Lagos
Douala, Douala

VK 822
Douala, Douala
8:30pm Thursday
Lagos, Lagos

Curious enough, VK has no explanation for cutting LON-PHC/ACC connections via Lagos. Prospective transit pax must spend 1 night in LOS. I hope this will be rectified soon.

soups 15th Oct 2005 12:43

Virgin Nigeria decrease flights to Accra
as of end of october VK will fly daily to accra instead of 2 daily flights.
they will also swap LHR to LGW. this would not be possible anymore for passengers from ACC and PHC to go to London

Rani 15th Oct 2005 13:55

Just to make a minor correction to above statement.

London-ACC/PHC convenient connections will not be possible, and not vice-versa.

By convenient I mean anything but overnight stay!

I wish someone from VK on this forum would shed some light to the ACC flight reduction also because this is what OAG is suggesting, also 3 departures around 7:00AM necessitates 3 aircraft and this still not the case at VN (only a couple of A320s are being used).


Engine Noise 16th Oct 2005 18:17

virgin is preparing to start operating out of kano. The MD was in Kano some days ago as part of final preparations.

LongJohnThomas 26th Oct 2005 01:23

Lousy Comments
Hi guys,
This forum has made quite interesting reading over time and it has proven unfortunate that some pilots on this site,just dont get it!
I will start with the fact that i know that VK pays first officers less than 1000GBP/Month after tax, and that ticketing staff at heathrow get 28,000GBP/Annum.
Its sad,but i think the poor 'locals' are being exploited and being taken for absolute dummies!
I have been to Lagos several times and i can feel what some of them have got to say with respect to the pay etc.
I think that VK is a waste of time if you ask me?
I wonder how it is that the said locals actually agreed to such terms?!
I wish you all luck boys! If the 737-300 is what gets you going? Good for you!
I'd just like you all to know that you all look like a bunch of inept and low life pilots to the rest of the world!
I think you should wake up and smell the roses boys!
Its painful,but true boys, you've been suckered!:ok:

surely not 26th Oct 2005 09:02

LJT why did you feel it necessary to make such an inflammatory entrance to the discussion? One is after tax the other doesn't say whether gross or net?

Ticket and res agents at LHR earn considerably less than F/O's based in UK.

Ticket and res agents based in Lagos earn less than F/O's based in Lagos.

So no matter which country you live in the T&R agents earn less than the F/O's...............

As a further request for clarification are you comparing a top of the scale, overtime eager Ticket and Res agent, with a low hours F/O?

I don't know of any company in the UK who pays entry level T&R agents the sort of money you quote so spill the beans, which company is it?

Revnetwork 26th Oct 2005 09:58

I'm right behind you SN .

I think VK missed a trick with the initial offers to pilots, but I don't think it was done intentionally.
We also have to remember that the average passenger in Nigeria is still not ready to pay the kind of fares that passengers pay in Europe or the USA.

By the way---the first B737-300 airframe, 5N-VNA is already in LOS.

Don't mind LJT. He's just a wind up merchant.

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