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B Sousa 23rd Sep 2004 20:02

Francois....How do you really feel about the CAA.......ha ha Things are great in Vegas, get your butt over and find out. We have the BBQ on Standby mode and the second refrigerator hold nothing but Beer and the essentials.

"Generally, the SACAA will not respond timeously to letters, their staff lie through their front teeth, they make promises which they can't keep and 95% of the SACAA staff AGREE that the organisation is f d. 40% of white staff have left, and very shortly they will lose some more very competent people due to politics, backbiting and huge racial disagreements. Now my dear friends, THIS IS THE ORGANISATION that must regulate aviation in this country????? I ask you??? "

Think that pretty much puts an end to any discussion with CAA......

We can argue with them or go in and do a smooch on their backside or the latest fad I guess would be some Rand on the desk. Either way if I lost my Instructors rating over something simple, I should think there would be a simple way to get it back......

INJECTOR 28th Sep 2004 20:55

I get really frustrated when i read some of the responses that are generated based on rumours and poor facts.
What supprises me even more is that one or two of the responses are from people that are not even qualified or are only private pilots licenses with no real experience.
last but not least i have a problem with a person like francois marais slating the SA CAA .Since when can a private pilot doing illegal commercial work have so much to say about his governing body? but then again i suppose it sour grapes because he had his license revoked in SA & USA for fraud in 1997,sentenced to 5 years in jail & found unfit to ever fly again.
sorry guys but had to get that off my chest!

B Sousa 28th Sep 2004 21:03

OUCH!!! Wait till Francois bites into this one............Sounds like someone has thrown the gauntlet......

4HolerPoler 29th Sep 2004 12:41

This thread is a live-wire! Guys, I've got Francois beating down my door saying it ain't true (strange that he hasn't done so here) - if anyone can refute or substantiate INJECTOR's allegations please PM or email me and we'll adjudicate.


francois marais 29th Sep 2004 13:11

4HP, I was really not going to post a reply here, but seeing that you want to solicit one, here goes. ok:

No authority has ever found me to be unfit to fly. Neither did I spend 5 years in jail, and my licenses are current, as issued by the relevent authorities.

INJECTOR is known to me, and if you want I can really go to town here. Just give me the green light Gepetto!:D

bladestrap 29th Sep 2004 13:18

I find it really strange that a guy like Injector, who himself is a very contoversial man, did not activate his private messages.

I have known Francois and his family for 35 years, and what Injector posted is the biggest lot of hogwash I've heard. Francois flew with me in the DRC from May 1998 to December 1999, so how could he have been in a jail?

Come in Injector, tell us who you are!!! This could become AVERY LIFE WIRE thread.:}

josh sitanga 29th Sep 2004 14:49

Moderators, to be fair, this thread has been hijacked.

Issues between these men should be moved to the Campfire.

francois marais 29th Sep 2004 14:53

Thanks for the calls Gunzzz. Bad line, I lost you. Check your mail.

carnivoruslegallus 29th Sep 2004 15:20

Absolutely amazing.
FOXtrot mike, you're right. This man did receive some training from G. Long ago though. Checked it out.

He gave himself away anyway! Not to worry. Lets get talking about INJECTOR. I bet there are a couple of people that would love to know his whereabouts.

Mr. Moderator, can we fire away?:ok:

4HolerPoler 29th Sep 2004 15:55

Go for it. As long as you keep your language decent there is no way this thread is going to the Campfire.

I know it's going off the subject but it does have relevance. Please avoid individual shoving matches - sort that out by PM or email.

Seconds out, Round Number One............

B Sousa 29th Sep 2004 16:33

Gas, Undercarriage, Mixture, Props.........
Will the Real Gary Fox step up to the Podium.........

Josh Sitanga.. Say Howdy to Alfred Kamara. The thread has been asked and answered to death anyway and nothing is gonna change the outcome unless those involved get together. Anyway this is a better fight......

clipboard 29th Sep 2004 17:05

Mr. Gary Fox, boy oh boy, do we know this man!:}

All I can say is WATCH OUT! Big trouble here.

I thought this guy fled the country to Zambia? Don't tell me he's back in SA Aviation circles. I was present at a soil sampling wrap up party at his old Drome Z office at FAGC years ago, when he left there in the back of a cop van, charged with fraud, embezzlement etc.

This should act as a warning to others. If you're going to be dealing with this guy, you're gonna get slaughtered. Be warned!:yuk:

francois marais 29th Sep 2004 17:10

:p Guys, I was gonna go to town here, but I'm afraid to say that my lawyers advised me not to post anything. They're looking at it from another angle.

Sorry guys!


CaneRat 30th Sep 2004 06:29

Injector, either you have big balls or you must be crazy!

Wind your neck in man....already you have a bunch from Oman looking for their $230,000.00 you took off them.

The Fox always runs out of holes to hide in.....its just a matter of time.....:E

INJECTOR 30th Sep 2004 21:00

Sorry wrong gender!
Do know the person you are referring to & will gladly pass on the message.Hope you have big balls!
The article was published in the AUG '97 AIRNEWS.
The public prosecutor was Bernard Coetzee at the time & can be contacted at Bernard,Joubert & Coetzee (aviation consultants in south africa)
F.Marais license # 0270064843 P.P.L only
F.A.A license listed but revoked (check with local F.S.D.O (FAA) )

clipboard 1st Oct 2004 06:24

Ja Mr. Gary Fox, you're such a coward my man! Now you're pretending to be a woman. Are you hiding behind your lady friend now? You were caught out my boy! Ask the Cyber Police!

Its time the aviation industry realises what a rogue you are and that a guy like you should not be taken seriously. A lot of people in the aviation industry have suffered a lot of harm because of you.

You know who the guys are that you ripped off, and one day, its gonna bite you big time!:}

You've Got 1st Oct 2004 07:23

Fox Hunting
Man this is intersting stuff - an oke prangs in Durbs - his mates all ask huge ?'s about the 120. Three guys get ratings pulled, two of them seriously the other just a phone call. Then lots of slating of ESA and the CAA and all of a sudden a FOX jumps out of its hole. This is good stuff. But back to the 120 (or am I spoiling the fun here).

Anyone heard an update about the ratings being pulled or whether there have been any further developments regarding the information that ESA have got about the fenestron. Seems like most of the guys that got inhouse ratings have never seen the info that is supposedly available. Hearing rumours that ESA are doing a road show around SA to get everyone on the right track. Simple - give all the guys the info and then everyone is saved from the potential trap - just look at some Gazelle accident reports - 16 in the Brit Army lost to the same thing - mostly by experienced guys. Also wonder if the CAA chap gives a fenestron briefing as a standard on all 120/130 conversions - I certainly have not seen that.

Now fetch that fox.........:} :ouch:

canthover 1st Oct 2004 09:06

Fox or Vixen
Hey You've Got - seems like you know the fox all too well. I worked for him at one stage - very interesting man indeed. I believe he is now commercially rated and was at one stage flying the huey in Cape Town. Never thought him and his namesake would ever operate in the same company let alone city. Anyway I guess there is a lot than can be dicsussed over a beer about the fox and the merwe.

Back to the 120 - did the pilot only get a verbal - sounds odd. Thought all three had been revoked. Have they taken it any further. Surely a verbal from the CAA means the guy still holds the rating. So can he still give a 120 rating?? I am looking for one - guess calling him is the answer as he can give the run down on the nasty stuff.:ok:

DualDriver 1st Oct 2004 09:59

From what I read so far, this FOX burrowed his way out of the country....

Maybe he/she/it went for a sexchange:confused:

oryx 1st Oct 2004 10:27

I never knew Mr. Gary Fox until he arrived in Cape Town last year during September.

He pitched up in Cape Town last year with a fresh Com license(H) with a fake Bell 205 rating on it. The SACAA had in actual fact accidently, 3 years ago, put the Bell 205 rating on his license instead of the B206, but they discovered their mistake at one of his PPL renewals, and removed it. In spite of him knowing he had no rating, he still professed that he had.

When he got his COM license, he went to the license office and showed the lady his "old license" with the B205 rating on it, then the "new" one, and told her that the SACAA had neglected to put it on his new one. She took it in good faith, and Fox arrived in CPT with a fresh Com and 205 rating. He theoretically conned the license lady, but it later caught up with him. He then conned van der Merwe into letting him fly the Huey.

As far as I know, he did not even know how to start the machine, and he knew absolutely nothing about a Huey. (Very strange for an alledgedly rated pilot) After flying co-pilot for about 10 hours, van der Merwe let him fly solo, which he did for about 10 hours. The SACAA then discovered that he was flying the Huey, in spite of him not having a rating, and ordered him to inform them as to with whom, and where, he got his rating on the Huey.

To this date, he has neglected to inform the CAA of this. He had all sorts of excuses, and that he did it in Canada, then it was America, and when the CAA asked him to provide proof thereof, he told them that his flight case was confiscated by the Zambian Police, and that he had no records. When they asked him to provide a name, he said the one guy was dead, and the other he did not know where he was.

He then drifted in and out of Cape Town and recently returned as a "Huey Expert". Inspector Authorised, factory courses, delivered 17 Hueys to Liberia, packed up 2 in Germany, and was waiting for 2 Hueys coming to Cape Town from America by ship, for assembly in CPT, by him, for a local owner. Then he disappeared again.

His FAA records show that he has a FAA Student Pilot's License, validation on a Foreign Based PPL, and an A&P Mechanic certificate. NO IA as claimed.

So people tell me that nothing has changed with this man. He's still the same old Gary Fox, a Bullduster of note.

Not long ago, some Arabs were in CPT looking for him. Apparently they paid him some upfront money to ship 2 Jetrangers and Spraying gear to Oman, but instead took the money and went to the States to become "a Huey Expert".

I certainly won't be wanting to do any business with this guy. Apparently he has ripped off loads of people.

Don't know how anyone can live like that......totally without conscious. :yuk:

Get out of aviation and stay OUT!:E

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