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Bravo190 3rd Aug 2004 12:11

Anybody know when SAX/Link having interviews again?

Requirements and contact details to send CV?


George Tower 3rd Aug 2004 17:13

From the Airlink website:


Gimbal 3rd Aug 2004 20:18

I went for an interview with them (LinK) about four years ago, they were pretty unproffessional. Each interviewer, including Oupa Lindvelt were on some kinda ego trip. Each one bombarded me with questions about my flying experience, and trying to put down my previous employees. At the end of the interview from hell, the line captain on J41's at the time remarked: "Don't slit your wrists if you don't get in...o.k."

-Well needless to say thats one organization i'm glad I didn't have the displeasure of working for!

I subsequently got a SAX interview...and boy oh boy, what a breathe of fresh air, a total 180 degree backtrack from the Link stink interview.

The SAX interviewers had a set, and fair, procedure for every interviewee, so there were no surprises. They got straight to the point and were very proffessional. The chief pilot Frans Le Roux epitomises what a chief pilot should be like...the guys at Link can learn alot from him!

Good Luck.

SubsonicMortal 3rd Aug 2004 20:38

So Gimbal, been for an interview lately? You seem like a bitter man judging by your reply in the Comair Interviews.

I suggest you keep your real identity well hidden from your screen name. It's a small industry out there...

Solid Rust Twotter 4th Aug 2004 07:30

Don't ya just know it SubMor....

Chris is gonna get ya for this....... :E

August 4th Aug 2004 07:50

Probably True
I was there when Airlink was setup and saw the place through ATR's and J41's. What Mr Gimbal says there regarding the interviews and selection process rings true even to me from way back then. You've got to remember that OL and company had the best teachers when it comes to selection inquisition: TJ and later TA were probably two of the worst ops managers and chief pilots in the world. What's going on there now is simply a continuation of their legacy. I'd be suprised if it's any better now.

Hey August, are you one of these tree-huggers who re-uses a piece of paper a few times? The default font for these forums is just fine - my old eyes don't do so well on your small font - I assure you, there is no extra charge for normal sized font & it will have no adverse effect to the Net, bandwidth or global-warming for that matter. Do me a favor & keep the font default please.

Thanks. 4HP

beechbum 4th Aug 2004 08:51

Having a look at the crew requirements at Link, there is only mention of the Embraer and nothing of the J41, unless I'm missing something!!!! Does this mean that they are on their way out?
I see Gimbal that you are slagging this crowd off aswell. May I suggest that as others have done, do not go around slagging other companies down as SA is too small and it will catch up with you at some point or other. By the way maybe look at yourself and wonder if you were totally prepared for the interview. People on interview boards generally pick this up and then they go to town. After all you are wasting their time if you came to the interviews unprepared. Think about it!!!!!
It seems you don't have a nice word to say about Comair either so maybe you're just bitter and twisted about something........anyway did you get into SAX after all? Just curious!!!!With this attitude you're probably better off there. Anyway happy flying, it ain't all that bad.....you've got to take the rough with smooth - it ain't for sissies you know!

126.9 8th Aug 2004 08:10

I would have thought that simply disabling the font size option would have been better than deleting August's last post? Another case of "now you see it, now you don't?" One would also think that the forum moderator would be more sensible than to make such sarcastic and blatantly rude remarks to users.

Gimbal 9th Aug 2004 18:13

Subsonic, BB - Thats the whole problem with the SA aviation industry. It seems one isn't allowed to have an opinion,(or voice it on an anonymous public internet forum for that matter), when it comes to said opinion regarding certain 'untouchable' individuals at certain airlines, (or should I say glorified charter companies!).

You just have to read OL's story on Links website on how to become an airline pilot and join the bestest carrier in SA, to understand this mans attitude towards other lower life forms down the food chain.

The industry will therefore still continue to be an old boys club, where, if daddy wasn't part of it then, you won't be part of it either.

As long as there are individuals like yourselves running around, these type of blocking techniques, which prevent some really good new guys from entering the industry, just because certain people don't like them, will always continue.

So I suggest to you ssmortal, why don't you stand up for what you really believe in, and stop sucking up to higher authority, although I'm sure thats how you got your present job.

126.9 9th Aug 2004 20:56

I find it amazing that the moderators of these forums (or perhaps just this one and Questions) have total carte blanche to edit, cut and censor the way they do! Just the other night, I logged into this conversation and read a rather interesting posting by one of my former SA Airlink colleagues. He was replying to an allegation which was made by the moderator, insinuating that he and Gimbal were one and the same individual. He even left a telephone number to verify his identity! Shortly thereafter, his posting was deleted. Not only that. The moderator's unfounded comments were edited to exclude the comment..? It must be great to hold the scissors.

BTW, I checked Oupa out on the J41 some years back before heading off to greener pastures. He fits RF's Chief Pilot requirement perfectly. :}

Goldfish Jack 9th Aug 2004 21:52

So the Gimbal saga continues

Now he cant get into SAX and Link.

Maybe he should either get out of aviation or go somewhere that will take him as a chief pilot straight away..............

Wonder if he has tried Civair???

SubsonicMortal 10th Aug 2004 06:49


I share in your frustration just as well as any other new "politically disadvantaged" individuals. I.e, that would be the ones who are perfectly fit and qualified to fly for any of the airlines in SA. However, reality goes that we live in a time where your (hard obtained) qualifications and even experience, do not matter that much if the selection board lodges your name in the slot labeled "previously ADVANTAGED".

Nobody ever said this game, or the game played in any other profession for that matter, will be a fair one. You just gotta make the best of the cards in your hand.

I does appear as if you did not make a selection in the past. However, I have heard a number of success stories of guys who went back for a 2nd and sometimes a 3rd interview and ended up getting accepted. I'm going on assmption here now so forgive me if I'm wrong, but if in the past you did NOT make a selection, don't burn your bridges mate. That doesn't mean it's game over.

As far as your assumption on my present job being thanks to sucking up to higher authority, GROW UP pal. You do not know who I am and what steps it took to get into the seat I'm currently in. I worked my ass off and spent a long time walking cv's into offices for a face to face application/update. I'm still not flying a jet in SA with a hundred passengers in the back but I feel lucky to have the job I've got and intend to keep working hard until I do end up in the airline seat. And the best thing is, I don't have "contacts" in the clubs who can reccommend me. I have built up relations to those in offices purely by walking my cv in on a regular basis. I made sure that I acquire every possible written qualification there is for a pilot in the CAA exam syllabes and had "something new" with every second walk in. THAT's what got me my current job. Never underestimate the power of hard work.

Good luck pal.

Bravo190 10th Aug 2004 11:14

Thanks for the replies guys but we still dont have any info on SAx...any luck?


Happy days:ok:

beechbum 10th Aug 2004 13:55

Bravo 190,
As far as I know, it looks as if the hiring at Link has come to a grinding halt. I understand that 4 or so Embraer guys have left or are leaving within the month and I know of a couple of Jetstream guys who are leaving for greener pastures. Apparently Mr Foster has put a stop to any hiring. But I think things will change so just keep on trying.
Mr Gimbal, I know many a pilot, including myself who has had no help from fathers, mothers, uncles or whoever it may be and have still been able to climb the ladder. Its been a long and slow process let me tell you and I share your sentiments but don't go slagging off the industry as it won't get you anywhere.
Keep trying and it will happen. It did for me!!!!
Having re-read your reply, you seem very bitter about the whole aviation scene here. Maybe you should get into something else. Airlines all around the world are full of nepotism, Qantas for example won't even look at you unless some sort of relative has walked on their holy turf - Cathay, Virgin and a few others are almost the same, so I think its not all that bad in our world!!!!:ok:

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