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Old 4th Aug 2008, 17:18
  #1727 (permalink)  

PPRuNe Handmaiden
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Swapping 800s? (I like the one with the H in front, B? Nahhh )

As with any company, you haven't got a gun pointing at you so you can do what you like. Within reason of course. I wouldn't go lofting two fingers at my employers and expect them to welcome me back with open arms 6 months later. With B time and bizjet time, you never know, you might be "just right" for a BBJ operation etc. Gotta be in it to win it.

NJE is a pretty big company now, I think it's ranked 5th in Europe. easyJet's in front of it at the mo. While that doesn't confer any protection from going broke, my sources in the Office are pretty confident that we won't lose money this year. That pleases me and my bank card! Sure, the growth rate won't be like it has been but (at this stage) there's no sign of redundancies etc.

From what I can gather, most of the bigger bizjet companies are still expanding and hiring.
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