PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - What do I need to know for Air Law? (Merged Air Law Threads)
Old 11th Aug 2007, 08:48
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Air Law

Just think how little of Air Law you will remember after a few years! They put you through this torture and then after that you are left on your own. I cant remember for instance the various VFR rules but it has never bothered me in all the years I have been flying. So in a sense one could ask what was the point of memorising wierd rules that later one more or less ignores. Try asking pilots at your airfield what the VFR rules are!!

While I am on that topic, how does one enforce a rule about how close to a cloud you are allowed? How does one know how close you are until you arrive at the edge of the cloud? Has anyone ever been prosecuted for getting too close to a cloud? Or for being out of sight of the ground?
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