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MAYDAYMAYDAY 23rd Feb 2004 23:28

Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
Approximately 6 weeks ago I came down with a rather nasty cold. My sore throat was diagnosed as Strep Throat and antibiotics were prescribed. The antibiotics cleared up the sore throat and nasal congestion within a week, however I have been left with extremely sensitive ears following my illness. It is virtually impossible for me to resume flying as I am unable to clear my ears during descent. An Ear Nose and Throat specialist told me that the condition is called Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, and has many causes (Allergies, Sinusitis, Tumors, Polyps, etc.). My Sinus X-Ray came back clean and now the Doctor is at a loss. As I am somewhat desperate to get back in the air, I am hoping that someone out there may have some advice or experience regarding this matter.

Thanks in Advance!

QDMQDMQDM 24th Feb 2004 04:50

Well, as a humble GP, I'd try you for a couple of weeks on a pure steroid nasal spray such as Beconase or Flixonase or else a combined steroid / decongestant nasal spray such as Dexa-rhinaspray. This may unblock your Eustachian tubes. I presume you have tried this?


MAYDAYMAYDAY 24th Feb 2004 05:05


Thanks for the reply. I have indeed been using a prescribed nasal spray for the last 12 days. It is called Nasacort. Unfortunately the condition has not improved since I started it. I should also note that the Eustachian blockage seems to be somewhat intermittent. At times I am able to feel my tubes opening when swallowing and at other times they seem to be constantly closed. The Valsalva technique is ineffective on my left ear.

Thanks again for the reply!

Flyin'Dutch' 24th Feb 2004 11:51

12 days is too short to be able to judge the effectiveness of the treatment.

Allow at least 4-6 weeks.


The Hedge 24th Feb 2004 18:51


I have had a similiar problem, in fact a few years back I suffered a barotrauma (no. 3) on descent which prompted some surgery to clear my sinuses.

I am now very conscious of equalising and I dont go anywhere without a decongestant (drixine) in my flight bag. Last week I could feel crackling on climb in my nostrils. After a couple of sprays I coughed up a rather horrible "mouth oyster" which cleared it up nicely.

I think I may have a slight allergy as this happens only rarely. If you fly and are prone to ear blockages, I suggest you always carry a degongestant for which is safe for use while flying.


zerozero 25th Feb 2004 05:28

Use with caution
I've heard that it's best to avoid the Valsalva Maneuver when you're fighting any sort of congestion.

The action tends to force even *more* mucus into the Eustachian Tubes.

You should only perform Valsalva for rapid atmospheric pressure changes--not to clear out congestion.

Loose rivets 25th Feb 2004 12:48

My ears never cleared without popping them myself. However, yawning always gave me an instant perfect equalization. The answer is obvious, ask crewing to fly you with the most excruciatingly boring colleagues in the airline.

Seriously though, give it time, and if you can get somewhere warm, see what your doctor thinks about swimming in salt water - i.e. you are not wide open to other bugs etc.. No diving though!

I always found it good following head colds. Failing that, sterile warm water doosh with enough salt to taste roughly like the sea. Not very scientific, but is one of those old remedies that seem to work well.

Ex Oggie 28th Feb 2004 21:02

I have suffered on and off for years with problems clearing my Eustachian tubes. Up until now, it has only caused discomfort and hopefully not been so serious as to be a real threat to my health. Even so, I would never fly without a decongestant in my pocket, as has been previously mentioned.

I have always specifically asked for anti-histermine free. Are there any specific problems with some of the brand names? Its just that it is not easy to get a-h free in some countries, and I would like to know if I am opening myself up to any possible problems.

Any gen gratefully appreciated.

smallwing 11th Mar 2004 10:13

I have a similar problem, since coming back to the home country. ENT specialist has checked ear drum and also cleared with pressure sensing instruments.

Been on medication for one week, still no change to the situation. I can feel the change in air pressure but is not an extreme discomfort.

One curiosity I have is if a chiropractor be any good for this situation? That is it possible it is not involved with the tube?

Thanks for any advice.


Canada Goose 12th Mar 2004 06:32

Mmmmmmmm - interesting !! I came to this forum to post a similar query. Last weekend I came on with a bit of a head cold after a few days of malaise. Anyway, on the Saturday I was due to go paradropping and my codl wasn't too bad but I took some no-droway sudafed, whihc cleared it all up like a treat. However, on desecnt from FL100 at around 3/4k = PAIN. Soon went after landing. Did another drop from 5k, no pain on descent. Lunch, took another sudafed. Hour later did another 10k = Massive pain around 4/5 k, passed control over to pilot next to me who was supervising. I was beside myself, I was shaking ....... managed to get a grip and land - good ldg !! Pain soon went, but hearing all muffled.

Noramlly this type of thing goes overnight, but persisted, went to doc. Got checked out. No infection, but 'all mechanical' accorign to gp ........ give it time it will clear. That was yesterday, but fact is 5 days later still congested. Mithered doc for some prescription for heavy duty decong's but he said nothing relaly availbale, but Sudafed isn't really effective, - hey yeh dont say. Told him this thing sometimes happens when no cold- we talked - he mentioned soemthing that sounded like Mayonaise (remember I was a bit deaf !! ;-)) ..... obvioulsy from reading thread ... was beconaise. Sounds like the hedge maybe onto something with Dixrine .......... off to Boots tomorrow !!

Fact is I'm thinking ........ f*** ........ is this a predisposition aginst my suitability as a professional pilot !?? Admitedly you don't do 2/3 k per min descnets in airlines.

Yours nasaly,


EAAFA 6th Jun 2005 05:18

I've had eustachian tube problems since November 2003. In that time I've seen a number of specialists and GPs, each one giving a different diagnosis and advice (none of which has helped). What I've learned has been to be more aware of what my body is telling me.

For example, the Eustachian Tube Dysfunction seems to be worse when I am fatigued or stressed, and this is true whether I'm flying or on days off.

I'd advise anyone having difficulty equalizing pressure in their ears to be more aware of all the other circumstances (eg associated pain/discomfort like jaw or sinus pain, when it happens, what kind of day you've had, etc), and note it all down so that when you go to a doctor you can give him the full story.

Earl 7th Jun 2005 19:53

Just an added thought, when I first started flying I had constant earblocks during desent.
One so bad that my eardrum was filled with blood according to the USAF flight surgeoun.
It almost ended my flying life from the start.
They placed me on Amoxicillan for 2 weeks along with Actifed.
They claim Actifed is really good for opening the eustchstion tube.
Its also available over the counter.
Never had a problem after this.
Sent me back to the altittude chamber and passed with no problems, not even the slightest discomfort.
Had a bad cold a couple of years back and could not clear my ears, took Actifed again and was completely clear by morning.
You should not fly on this medication as it causes drowsiness.
If you can not do a simple valsalva and clear your ears dont force it.
Actifed should help.
Still prescibed by the USAF to this day.
For some reason this effects many of us and suddenly goes away after a few years of flying.
Not a doctor and you should consult your ENT.
But get a second opinion as it may effect
your job flying.
Dont take no as a final answer.

CVT Pilot 7th Jun 2005 21:27

Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
Hi There,

Don't know if this is any help but I have had the same problems, been to see an ENT consultant and GP. A long story short, after scans from the ENT consultant could find nothing wrong. Was tried on the nasal sprays for weeks and a device called an otovent reccommended by my doctor but to no avail.

With this in mind I decided to start changing my diet and looking for alternative therapy. I have not eliminated but have cut down on dairy and mucas building foods and have acupuncture every two weeks.

The acupuncture has worked wonders on my ears and by yawning and clicking my jaw I can now regulate the pressure again - it's also done wonders for other problems such as my back etc.

Not saying it's a cure for all as I was sceptical about it but it really has helped for me. Talk to your doctor and he might point you in the direction of a reccommended acupuncturist (if you're willing to try anything!).

Regards and happy flying!

CVT Pilot.

Johe02 8th Jun 2005 15:42

I have a similar story to CVT. . I also found out that my private health insurance were happy to pay for the acupuncture. .!

CVT Pilot 8th Jun 2005 21:26

Health Insurance

Lucky you. Not only will my health insurer not let my acupuncturist 'register' with them, I can't claim in any way either. Nor can I change health insurer. Damn.

CVT Pilot.

Johe02 9th Jun 2005 19:56

Try L&G next time. . .

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