View Full Version : weather of ETOPS ops

29th Jul 2003, 10:25
one friend told me that this happened to him: once he was operating a ETOPS from usa to asia, PACD(cold bay) was one of the ETOPS allternate. but when the past the etp of PACD and PANC they are informed that the weather of PACD turned below min.and there was no alternate can replace PACD at that time! so they contacted SOC(campany ops controll)(they are requested to do so before make divertion). SOC add one more alternate wich is behind them. but however the crew think that won`t work and the soc didn`t agree with the crew. so they spent a very very long time to discuss. finally they found that they have entered the next alternate`s cuicirl of 180 minate, so the soc said now you can continue flight because you have a suitable alternate now!!!
so what will you guys do in that case and what after that flight?