View Full Version : London Information Reception

High Wing Drifter
13th Jul 2003, 04:20
The clarity and reception of London Information (west) was rather variable to day. Not just me that noticed it but also several others. One poor chap in a Europa tried several times to get through as he steamed in across the channel, I could hear him loud and clear but he could not make out the FIS guy/gal. For me the reception went from readability 0 to 5.

Indeed, I tried to announce my change of frequency but was getting no response at all. Felt I had to phone up and say I landed safely just in case.

Now I don't normally use London Info but with Brize full to bursting with PFA traffic today I had no choice.

Any other similar experiences today?

Mike Cross
14th Jul 2003, 03:09
Didn't have the need to speak to them myself but I was listening (Sunday) and they did seem to be having a lot of problems. I was around 2500 ft returning from Kemble to Popham and could clearly hear other aircraft that he couldn't. Another a/c was having to relay for him at one point.

He also sounded pretty rough on the way up there Saturday lunchtime.


14th Jul 2003, 22:10
No problem as I bumbled around the White Horse at Uffington, Wilts, on Saturday. Asked Brize for FIS but they suggested my going onto London to give themselves an easier life!

G - What a day for flying it was on Saturday.

High Wing Drifter
15th Jul 2003, 05:53
Wasn't it just! No need for the whizz wheel :ok: