View Full Version : A320 PERF Q.

29th Dec 2000, 19:27
Airbus runway charts will show the code or codes for the weight limiting reason .

Why do they repeat the same number twice ,
example 6-6 for brake energy ?
Sometimes there is only one number there like code 2

It's common to see two different ones like 2-3 .
Do they just list them in a correlative order when two resticting codes apply or do they list the numbers being the first one the more closer restrictive one.

When do they list only one ?
Like only 2 for second segment, by how many pounds margin for example do the omit the second number or even like in some cases not show any restricting code at all ?

30th Dec 2000, 08:34
Ask hpsov

5th Jan 2001, 16:59
Plain Airbus Industries runway charts for the 319's will show the code or codes for the weight limiting reason .
Why do they repeat the same number twice ,
example 6-6 for brake energy ?
Sometimes there is only one number there like code 2

It's common to see two different ones like 2-3 .
Do they just list them in a correlative order when two resticting codes apply or do they list the numbers being the first one the more closer restrictive one.

When do they list only one ?
Like only 2 for second segment, by how many pounds margin for example do the omit the second number or even like in some cases not show any restricting code at all ?

Down Three Greens
9th Jan 2001, 16:35
If two codes are repeated then that case is always limiting.

Say 2-2, then the 2nd segement is always the limiting case.

If 2-4, it is 2nd segement (WAT) limited but the next limiting case is the runway length limit...(I think 4 was a runway limit. FCOM's at home!!!!)

Hope it helps

19th Jan 2001, 05:11
Thanks dawn 3 greens,

So lets say it's a 2-2 due to second segment, what would be the difference to a " 2 only " no dash something

Is there any amount of weight margin which makes or makes not for another number to be shown behind ?
Sounds quite logic ...
If that is the case , what's that weight margin ?

20th Jan 2001, 16:54
Sorry mate. Can't find any reference to weight margin in the Airbus FCOM's. The limitations are 1. Max weight 2. 2nd segment 3. Runway length - one engine out 4. Obstacles 5. Tyre speed 6. Brake Energy 7. Take-off dist - all engines 8 Final take-off.

Those codes are straight out of the FCOM.

Can't say much more than that. Only to repeat that 3-4 would be a one engine out limit followed by a less limiting obstacle weight.

Off to Airbus in Toulouse for a course. Hope it helps

21st Jan 2001, 00:37
tks Clear Status,

Toulouse , aaahhhh
enjoy those good deserts mate !!

Boy , those guys at A/I really put excellent meals on board when picking up new aircrafts , I really enjoy that kind of flights.

So , lets see what you find out bro , let me know !

24th Jan 2001, 20:59
i think the reason why there are two limit codes, is relation to the optimsed of V2/VS.

code 2-3
would indicate to me that the V2 speed was increased, to increase the climb grad, However this increase in V2 speed is now limited by field length. hence 2-3.

would indicate that its simply limited by field length

well thats my theory at any rate