View Full Version : More HPL

19th Jul 2001, 09:12
Also having trouble finding out whether smoking and physiological altitude statements mean, a smoker or someone smoking at the time. Eg At sea level a 5 percent saturation of COHb in the blood gives a physiological altitude of about 8000 ft.
Now this 5 percent saturation of COHb in the blood, is that someone smoking at that time or just some one who does smoke, but is'nt at present.
Think the first.
But they quote a pilot who smokes is at 5000 ft then physiologically is at 10000 ft. But this is only if he is smoking at 5000 ft right.


19th Jul 2001, 12:25
2 things here :

As U surely know, the body (brain cells, lungs, etc) is damaged each time U smoke, so whether U do or do not actually smoke during a flight won't change this "damage" history. The worst, aviation-related, effect of smoking is that CO adheres to the protein haemoglobin in the red blood cells, which damges both the breathing process & the O2-CO2 chemical exchanges. This results in an early onset of hypoxia @ altitude.

In addition to that, if U actually smoke during the flight, not only does it damage the A/C system of the aircraft, but it also reduces your "g" tolerance. U will B more prone to airsickness.


19th Jul 2001, 13:36
All true ,

However I can't resist to mention that I did hold it out longer in the altitude chamber than my fellow mates , whilst being the only one smoking.
About 11 years ago that was.

I did quit however , it seriously damages your health.

Cheers :)