View Full Version : Hour loggable?

7th Jun 2003, 15:04
Hi all,
Can anyone tell me how many of the following logged hours can count toward a PPL and the 150 hours needed to start a CPL?

4 Hours ASK13 Gliders
30mins Vigilant
40mins Tomahawk


7th Jun 2003, 18:54
Those with an engine to pull you along.

Mike Cross
7th Jun 2003, 19:37
More correctly those with an engine to pull them along and where the Captain holds an Instructors Rating.

Gliding Certificates used to get you a discount I got my PPL with 20.10 dual and 12.30 solo on the basis of a Bronze C.

Info on current requirements here (http://www.caa.co.uk/srg/licensing/fcl/document.asp?groupid=292)


7th Jun 2003, 19:53
You may claim 10% of all flying done - up to a maximum of 10 hours - towards your PPL (and the subsequent 150 for CPL course).

This includes airframes that do not have an engine to pull them along.

LASORS 2003, Section C (Private Pilot Licence), Page 3.