View Full Version : No more BAW001

Barnaby the Bear
10th Apr 2003, 15:22
Absolutely gutted. I have always wanted to fly on Concorde. I was saving up and hoping to get a ticket in 3008!:(

10th Apr 2003, 17:07
You and me both BB. I was on duty at Heathrow when the first one landed on 28L, not BOAC though, weather div from Filton. More smoke than a Coronado or B52. I'm up to number 387 on the list to fly on it after controlling it for the last umpteen years, would have been sooner but never had enough cash for the nod nod wink wink brigade, or at least that could be one explanation. I never did figure out how someone born after I started controlling could get ahead of me in the queue on such a regular basis, and even more astonished because I do the west-end Concord sectors. This whole paragraph has been specifically engineered so that I could spell Concord without the E in order to reflect public sentiment.