View Full Version : Moaning and the Airline Industry!!!

21st Nov 2002, 08:14
Hello everyone,

Im just very curious as to why the entire industry seems so good at moaning! Are our jobs and employers really that frustrating?

Lets see what the all-time best moan about our jobs is?

Personally my favourite was a former colleague of mine who used to give out constantly about what the passengers were wearing and was often observed looking disguisted at people! She has since resigned and become a designer for M&S!!!

:p :p :p

21st Nov 2002, 08:36
I'm sure that if you were to visit the bulletin board site for the clothing industry, or indeed any andustry, you would find an equal volume of "moans" :)

Aircrew (IMHO) tend to moan about aspects of their job because it matters to them. Many people really want to be Cabin Crew or Pilots, often since childhood. To get there, they have to meet some stringent standards and see off many competitors. Pilots in particular, often invest a lot of their own money, and certainly time, in achieving their position. For all crew, having "got there" it can be disappointing and frustrating to discover that so many aspects of their professional lives are managed (badly) by people who have little or no experience and understanding of what is required, and do not match the contribution and investment in the industry that crew have made.

Wow! I feel much better for getting that off my chest. I think perhaps, another cup of coffee and a cigarette and then I'll go out and walk the dogs for an hour.

21st Nov 2002, 11:24
Tight Slot I agree with you completly,it incompetant management that I tend to moan about cause I love all my pax.Biscuit Chucker thats a great name .