View Full Version : Getting started

17th Oct 2002, 15:34
Hey everyone!

Anybody want to give me a watered-down, user-friendly to-do list to hop onto the lowest rung of instructing? Finally am where I want to be, i.e. left seat corporate and everyone keeps telling me the only way to really learn is by trying to teach.

Thank you

Bug :confused:

Bob Fleming
17th Oct 2002, 16:57
in not quite following that thread.

you are in the left hand seat of a corporate yet you want to become an instructor? on a corporate jet I presume?

or has cabin fever taken over?

21st Oct 2002, 12:12
Hi Bob

That's right, left seat Lear and yes, would like to to make TRI one day but I know aviation well enough by now to realise you start at the bottom and do your time and that's fine by me. So I expect to have to split my skull again with some nauseating examinations, followed by instruction, checkrides etc etc bla, then meander around the circuit with the local dentists for a million hours and so forth. Where do I start and is my summary of what's to do correct?
I have seen how much being a TRI helps in this industry, especially now that everyone and their uncle are in the shyte.
Tips much appreciated, really.

Regards, Bug