View Full Version : Bali

Turbo Beaver
15th Oct 2002, 01:05
Well I guess Australia kept their head in the sand long enough. They are no longer immune to the Al Queda attacks. Their Prime Minister has pledged support to Bush but no troops which will justify an attack from the Al Queda. This also reigns true for Finland, as we all know of their recent attack. Not sure where their Government stands on the issue of "War on Terrorism", but seems the world is no longer safe.

I know a lot of Rugby Players from around the world and Hong Kong who may have lost their lives in the attack. It has been a popular hangout for CX pilots and it will take a week or more to know if we have lost any. It will be tense couple of weeks.

This just goes to show you, that if you keep your head in the sand, hope it will go away, or hope that is will not affect you, or I should be safe here, you are sadly mistaken. The world is going to be a scary place in the next couple of years, so we may as well face the facts. We are all involved.

You can draw your own parallels.

The emergencies you train for almost never happen. It's the one you can't train for that kills you.
- Ernest K. Gann, advice from the 'old pelican'

15th Oct 2002, 03:53
Our rep in Bali had passed by the club just a few minutes before and heard the very big bang.
He was very lucky...

15th Oct 2002, 07:37
Bali is a beautiful island and I found the people to be a very friendly lot and pro-tourist.It's a pity that this tragic event will cost thousands their livelihood as Bali's economy is entirely based on tourism.All Western Govt's are sending out advisories to avoid Indonesia and it has already caused the Rupiah to tumble down to a five month low.

15th Oct 2002, 15:34

Pull your head out of the sand.Australia has never pledged to be immune to this type of action.The security build up before the olympics is one example.Since 9/11 yet another anti-terrorist reaction squad has been set up.We constantly have a naval presence in the Persian Gulf enforcing the trade embargo.The entire international naval fleet in that area is actually under the command of an Australian naval Commander.We have also deployed 707 tankers and F/A-18's to join the forces currently deployed in the Afgahnistan Operation.I don't think that qualifies as having our head in the sand.Australia has been the victim of terrorist actions in the past.

If you are just refering to our feeling of geographical isolation then please forgive my outburst.

Deepest sympathies to all affected by this tragedy.:(

Turbo Beaver
16th Oct 2002, 00:51

I stand corrected, as I did not know of Australia's forces in the Persian Gulf. Australia, New Zealand, Finland and any other country that may think they are now immune from terrorism because of location or involvement have to pull their head out of the sand. People thought Bali was a safe haven but we all stand corrected.

Hong Kong is a fine example. They think they are in a low risk area because of involvement. I hope the Al Queda does not see this as an opportunity. Hong Kong has to pull their head out of the sand also.

The Al Queda was foiled out of Manila in '95. They planned to hijack a United Aircraft out of Hong Kong. What they were going to do with it I don't know, but the first two guesses don't count. You would think Hong Kong would learn from the lessons of others.

Learn from the lessons of others, you will not live long enough to make them all yourself.
"A Wise Old Pilot"

Sharfted Groundhog
16th Oct 2002, 01:18
Turbo Beaver: :mad: :rolleyes: Wrong AGAIN! New Zealand has sent troups (like Australia) to the area and we have had a full contingent of SAS troups up there almost since day 1. Like Australia; New Zealand (or NZ'ers) have never had their heads buried in the ground and have had increased security at all ports since 9/11. Granted, maybe some thought they were less succeptable to something of the 9/11 disaster, but trust me; no one ever thought it wouldn't happen somewhere less likely next time round. While we may not have the same capabilities as our neighbours, we have definately shown our support to the US in actions as well as verbally.

I think you also need to be reminded that you can't worry all your life about something that might happen. Like most other people reading this thread, I share the pain and horror of what went on in Bali and the tragedy of the lives lost. What the situation doesn't need is someone like you trying to lay blame where there needs no blame!

I'm sorry, but for pity's sake; get a life, Turbo Beaver. As we have seen from what happened in NY and now in Bali, you never know when your days are up and what are you going to think about how you spent your life; bitter, twisted and cynical. Racial intolerance and hatred is what started this whole damned affair in the first place... why add to it?

This type of blame helps no-one and I really don't think you have your facts straight, buddy.


Turbo Beaver
16th Oct 2002, 12:10
Did you guys think it would hit so close to home? I didn't. It can happen anywhere. Did you ever think it would happen in Bali?

On our little trips around the world you have to be more careful about your surroundings. I will not be going in places where Westerners are known to hang out in large numbers. I will be a bit more vigilant where I drink.

After 9/11 people may think that due to isolation, involvement, not may Westerners here, are safe. It is no longer so.

Agreed when your time is up, it's up. I don't worry about it, but I am a bit more careful now.

Sounds like you think I am having a go at the Australians and New Zealanders. Terrorists are going to strike where they think they can get away with it.

Hong Kong, according to the news, believes it's a low risk. I beg to differ.

16th Oct 2002, 12:41

yes,I can say that I was expecting something,somewhere.But who knows where or when! Intelligence is limited and not every suspected target (which appears to be the anything, anywhere, anytime, Hence the term "war in the 4th dimension") can be watched.
Pledging support does not justify terrorist actions.However I'm sure you did not mean it that way.
I don't see why you think that our state of readiness over last couple of years means we feel immune,quite the contrary.
I'm sure you must know some aussies in HK. Ask about the Hilton bombing of the late seventies.During the Eigthies our "peaceful" south pacific nations were sending personnel to Libya for "specialised training"!!!
Let us not forget the recent video's found in Afgahnistan containing footage of the U.S. British and Australian compounds in Singapore.Our memories are not short.We just need a crystal ball.
I don't think you are having a go at us,but simply believe that you lack knowledge on the region and it's history.

Getting off the track,In regards to your name,did you fly the TB? I recently saw an Otter with an Orenda fitted on it.Has the same been done with any beavers?


Turbo Beaver
16th Oct 2002, 23:58
Getting off the track, never had the pleasure.

Borneo Wild Man
19th Oct 2002, 00:57
Turbo mate,you should be safe drinking in the Muslim Bars!

Turbo Beaver
20th Oct 2002, 00:11
Coffee is too hard on my stomach and liver. It also makes me go the he bathroom too often and gives me a headache in the morning, but yes, I should be safe.

Alotta Fagina
24th Oct 2002, 10:03
Australia has had its head in the sand. Quite the opposite.

Australian has a long history of involvment with the Suharto government. Training, financing and arming a man who wiped out almost half a million indonesians.

Maybe if we had our head in the sand we wouldnt have been targeted in Bali.

24th Oct 2002, 15:24
I disagree. I think the bar was targetted because it was full of infidel westerners (ie non-Muslims) carrying on licentious behavior. This is what the cleric suspected of directing the attack said himself.

25th Oct 2002, 02:38
So, how many CX pilot is dead because of this? None?

25th Oct 2002, 04:45
What a stupid question to ask penguin.

25th Oct 2002, 10:57
If you can convince me with suitable argument I will re-open this thread but, for now, it is closed as the subject has been well covered on the Dununder & Godzone forum.

BlueEagle - Moderator.