View Full Version : Performance Engineers - a question

Shore Guy
19th Sep 2002, 12:15
I’m putting together a winter ops piece for our in house publication, and would like to include some hard data on the effectiveness of reverse thrust. But seeing reverse thrust is not used in any performance calculations, I have had little luck finding hard data. Specifically, I am looking for data for B757-200 with both RR and P&W engines, and 767-300 with GE motors. Thanks in advance for any help.

19th Sep 2002, 12:23
Might not help much, but on the 747 Classic when you have minimum autobrake selected and are using full reverse, the brakes aren't really doing much. I think that the pre-programmed decceleration rate is something like 2ft/sec^2 ... ?

19th Sep 2002, 19:48
Our 744 FHB shows a difference of 540' with idle thrust when braking conditions are good, and 3310' when braking conditions are poor.

The 540' is the difference that reverse makes with max braking available. The longer distance is because antiskid will be limiting or releasing the brakes for much more of the roll.

19th Sep 2002, 21:12

The chart that you are looking for can usually be found in the performance engineers manual. We dont operate the 767, but send me a private message after the weekend and i will dig the 757 data out for you.

Unless of course someone else beats me to it... :):)
