View Full Version : converting from ultra lights to GA

4th Dec 2001, 09:48
Hey all, this year i got my pilots certificate in the ultralight and i need to convert over to GA. Now how do i go about doing so? and what is involved? It may also help if i tell you i am from australia.


Genghis the Engineer
5th Dec 2001, 01:49
I know nothing about Australian regulations, but did much the same thing here a few years ago (at the time, I think that I had about 300 hrs in microlights).

The differences were quite striking, as were the similarities, but in general: -

- Learn your way around your aircraft, although light aircraft vary probably less than microlights, the design features are more hidden.
- Planning tends to be more detailed, using lots of graphs, charts, etc. Mind you, light aircraft manuals are generally much better than microlight manuals. (Except the ones by Cessna).
- Light aircraft tend to float more on landing, and are harder to land precisely. A disinclination to stop once landed is also common.
- It's much easier to do a good lookout on a microlight, you'll find that the view from most light aircraft is rather better.
- Get used to comfortable seats, much better handling of turbulence, and in winter - a cabin heater. Bliss.
- Compared to a microlight, generally light aircraft flight instruments are much better, and engine instruments far poorer.
- If you are used to a sight tube, the innacuracy and poor display on most light aircraft fuel gauges is shocking.
- You'll get there much faster, be able to land in far fewer places, but get treated much better when you do - but charged more.