View Full Version : the ability to teach

31st Jul 2002, 00:27
Many people are knowledgeable about their 'trade' of flying yet not all possess the ability to instruct or teach it......

Some students respond to different methods of getting the point across. Do you get taught those methods?? Can you learn how to instruct?? What training did you receive on the art of 'instructing'??

Any input appreciated......

1st Aug 2002, 07:18
The JAA Flight Instructor course includes a 35 hour teaching and learning module, the remaining 90 hours groundschool is largely practicing what you have been taught.

The concept of the JAA Instructor Refresher Seminar is to revise the methods of teaching and put them into practice over a 2 day period with other instructors as part of the revalidation/renewal process.

1st Aug 2002, 13:12
By definition the requirements to be be an instructor are to have above average flying skill and the ability to teach. It is on this criteria that you are assessed when you take your instructors exam.

Human understanding is not standardised and therefore instructional technique has to be flexible in order to accommodate this. You cannot possibly learn all the different ways to teach someone to fly an aeroplane on an instructors course, however you will be provided an awareness of the problem and how to deal with it. This is one of the enoyable challenges of being a flying instructor and when you succeed it is most fufilling.

ta ta


1st Aug 2002, 13:26
I totally agree, at CFS we graduate our new instructors with the wise words: "Our instructors have given you the basics, your students will teach you the rest"

1st Aug 2002, 22:21
thanks for the replies. I am looking forward to the challenge.
