View Full Version : UAE vs Qatar

17th Jul 2017, 04:47
Interesting Article about the Qatar crisis


17th Jul 2017, 05:00
Since EK/Etihad are considered to be something like a ME showcase, and having experienced their IT proficiency, as well as the one of etisalat and du etc., i highly doubt they'd be capable of instigating such a thing ....

17th Jul 2017, 07:52
Since EK/Etihad are considered to be something like a ME showcase, and having experienced their IT proficiency, as well as the one of etisalat and du etc., i highly doubt they'd be capable of instigating such a thing ....
Sure, but with enough money you can buy such things. There are enough capable freelancers available...

17th Jul 2017, 09:26
Could they use capable freelancers to improve EKIT/Mercator? Please?


17th Jul 2017, 11:25

17th Jul 2017, 12:52
It does seem improbable that the same region that produces the abomination that passes for IT at EK could mount much of an cyberattack on anything. Maybe they use Surface tablets?

But hey they pay French guys to fly their fighter jets so I suppose anything's possible.

17th Jul 2017, 13:14
I would under estimate their capabilities. Don't use EK IT or DU as a reference.

17th Jul 2017, 20:18
UAE allegedly hacked Qatar .
Qatar say its fake news.
Expect war .