View Full Version : Slovakia landing

1st Jun 2017, 13:08
Dear friends

Is it possible to land on private land ( landlord permission ) by helicopter ?

I know that in some countries it's forbidden to land at any place , only on airfields (ex.Austria where you need to have millions of approvals and police assist )
Flight from EU country to Sloavakia , landing on company territory .

Thank you

2nd Jun 2017, 07:44
As I understand it, you can't (at least not without some permission from authorities). This matters are mainly covered by Civil aviation law 143/1988 (http://www.zakonypreludi.sk/zz/1998-143).

You should check §32 (10) to (11).

(10) Povolenie podľa odseku 1 sa nevyžaduje pre iné plochy, ako je letisko, ktoré sa používajú na vzlety a pristátia lietadiel iba dočasne alebo príležitostne alebo na vzlety a pristátia lietajúcich športových zariadení. Podmienky na používanie týchto plôch určí Dopravný úrad.

(I dare not to translate it as this is really a law stuff)...

But here is the internet site of Transport authority – Division of civil aviation (http://nsat.sk/dopravny-urad-menu-udaje-a-dokumenty/pravomoci-a-kompetencie/divizia-civilneho-letectva/) and I bet they can answer your question directly because in that mentioned § it says that they are in charge of determining and using lands which are not an airfield.

Assitant of director is Eva Oravcová e-mail [email protected] +421/2/48 777 501.

Good luck.