View Full Version : Operating Seat Temps

Sand Man
21st Apr 2017, 21:53
One thing I have been trying to work out for many years now is:

Why does a seat feel uncomfortable due to residual heat from other person when sitting back down in a seat with your own heat actually feels comfortable?

This is not limited to operating seats, it happens in all situations from trains, buses, toilets etc :E

21st Apr 2017, 23:05
Seats can be too hot. I took the 'Rapid' train from Narita into Tokyo last week and the seat heating was so hot it was uncomfortable. I had stuffed my bag under the seat which may have amplified the heating effect!

22nd Apr 2017, 00:17
For the same reason your own "gas" is ok...others not so much.

26th Apr 2017, 22:47
Had a very sad case in only this morning.

Diagnosed a chap with an STI.

"I must have caught it off a toilet seat," he remarked.

"Well you must have been chewing it," I replied, "it's in your gums."

I expect that the real answer to your query is rooted in the narrow window that is homeostasis :-)

Loose rivets
27th Apr 2017, 21:02
Ewwwwwwwwwwww! Other people's heat?

A seat radiating, nay EXUDING other people's heat. Oh, Ewwwwwwwwww.:yuk: