View Full Version : ID-travel Gulf Air

29th Dec 2016, 09:45
If anybody who is able to help me with loads on a GF flight tomorrow could PM me i'd be ever so grateful.

And some friendly advise for all of you, dont plan on ID-travel over New Years holidays. Year after year I never learn...

29th Dec 2016, 11:07
I recommend StaffTraveler (https://app.stafftraveler.com/login/?facebookshare=oQkuWYoe0KXwpNrUcIms47y8m643)

29th Dec 2016, 14:35
Thank you i did create a request on there but no reply so far.

11th Jan 2017, 06:11
Sorry to hear. Some smaller airlines aren't (yet) well represented among StaffTraveler users, but it is getting better.
Requests for the bigger airlines are normally answered within minutes, especially european.