View Full Version : Q for multi operators...

21st Oct 2016, 16:12
I just watched a short video about approaches to Courchevel ('cos I love the location).

On final, a Dash 8 co was calling, 'plus 6', 'plus 5', plus 5' etc all the way down. I assume this was the airspeed above the threshold speed (if that's the right term- probably has a 'v' to itself)? Am I close?


21st Oct 2016, 22:26
Sounds about right. Vref is what you're thinking of.

Chesty Morgan
21st Oct 2016, 22:31
Was it a Q400 or a diddy Dash?

21st Oct 2016, 22:43
Oo-er... Four engines, does that help?

21st Oct 2016, 22:55
Dash 7!!!!

21st Oct 2016, 23:00
What a tit! Me that is- just checked the vid, Dash 7. Thanks.

21st Oct 2016, 23:04

21st Oct 2016, 23:31
Can't help you with the cockpit calls but I was once sat in the, frankly lovely, surroundings of the Altibar Le Pilatus Courchevel supping a Citron Pressé (because it was literally the only thing I could afford on the menu) when a parapente landed with such precision and grace that the entire restaurant stood and applauded.

Such recognition was not extended to the aircraft as they were deemed too noisy.

22nd Oct 2016, 10:57
I'd love to fly in there, just to say I had. It's a fabulous location- I've recently taken up skiing, and can stand for ages on a lovely sunny day watching them come and go. I can't think of another airfield where you get such a great view either.

22nd Oct 2016, 11:20
Very nice. There is some very skilled commercial mountain flying goes on in this world!:D Very demanding to balance weather/difficulty/safety/pressure to get job done, I think.:ok: