View Full Version : 737 Ques

sharon mathew
10th Sep 2016, 12:19

could someone tell me about this.

Driftdown alt and desired speed

what does residual rate of climb mean and how is it related to driftdown.


Vortex Thing
10th Sep 2016, 14:10
Read this!

https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&ved=0ahUKEwjKrObM_ITPAhVKI8AKHT5oA1YQFghEMAc&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.smartcockpit.com%2Fdownload.php%3Fpath% 3Ddocs%2F%26file%3DB737-High_Altitude_Maneuvering.pdf&usg=AFQjCNELcSN7bXVQrcpAZqktQDFgv9CXyA&sig2=_yYCXObWXKmOcPb4tcXDmA&bvm=bv.132479545,d.ZGg

Any issues then ask questions!

sharon mathew
11th Sep 2016, 06:01
woooow that's awesome!!! graphs you gave. !!!!

sharon mathew
11th Sep 2016, 06:15
do you have such graphs for climb fuel and distance

11th Sep 2016, 09:38
Probably better in the 'Tech Log' section.