View Full Version : RT questions UK arms sales to Saudi over Yemen bombing

8th Sep 2016, 16:19

Damn, we exported all of those F-15's I never knew we built.

And RT appear to be inferring we are part of the problem, because we sold arms to Saudi, just as well I wasn't some mad African warlord, or I would take up my AK-47 and RPG and argue the toss. :E

9th Sep 2016, 10:34
Impossible to know where to start. Security guard, apparently in the middle of nowhere, just happens to have a recording device active precisely at the time a strike goes in against a 'college'. How very convenient. Shame the 'security guard' is too far away to actually tell what the building is and verify the claims. And if verified, college of what? IED design and production, insurgency 101 ? As it stands rather unbalanced, only half the story and more likely to be RT mischief making and info ops than wholly accurate.

Heathrow Harry
9th Sep 2016, 10:48
Let's face it the Saudi's are bombin the s*** out of Yemen - and they are using British arms as part of the campaign

I never understand these protests - if we sell arms to people we should expect them to use them..... if we don't want them to use them don't sell them..................

11th Sep 2016, 17:28
RT has every right to have a pop with a little slanted propaganda. We leaves ourselves wide open to a charge of wanting everything and having it both ways. We say we always want peace, but we* are making billions from the profits of war. According to the Campaign Against Arms Trade we exported with permission 5.6 billion GBP worth from 2010 to present day. Mostly to MENA countries. It will never end, no one has the will to stop it. Too many backhanders....