View Full Version : 8 Turks Prefer To Sleep With The Enemy!

17th Jul 2016, 16:20
Turkey coup: Turkish military helicopter lands in Greece and crew requests asylum | Europe | News | The Independent (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/turkey-coup-turkish-military-helicopter-greece-soldiers-requests-asylum-lands-troops-latest-a7140431.html)
Greece charges Turkish coup asylum seekers with illegal entry | News | ekathimerini.com (http://www.ekathimerini.com/210527/article/ekathimerini/news/greece-charges-turkish-coup-asylum-seekers-with-illegal-entry)
Fleeing Turkish soldiers appear before Greek prosecutor | News | ekathimerini.com (http://www.ekathimerini.com/210526/article/ekathimerini/news/fleeing-turkish-soldiers-appear-before-greek-prosecutor)

Now if the Greek Prime Minister has any balls, he must grant them asylum but I fear that he ****s himself before his master Erdogan.

17th Jul 2016, 23:02
Bloody hypocritical if he doesn't accept. Those guys are fishbait back in Turkey. Unlike the thousands of economical migrants Greece lets in every month with no checks whatsoever, next to none of whom merit asylum.

18th Jul 2016, 06:41
If he does give asylum Turkey will flood Greece with migrants.
If he doesn't he acts against international law.

But he does the right thing at the moment. They will be prosecuted to the maximum sentence on which they can get a conditional release, but they are not allowed to leave the country.

Erdogan will be steaming in rage but can do nothing.

18th Jul 2016, 07:20
i guess these went southeast instead...

42 helicopters have gone missing from Incirlik NATO Air Base:

42 Helicopters Missing in Turkey Sparking Concerns of a Second Coup Attempt (http://sputniknews.com/news/20160717/1043162524/helicopters-turkey-coup-erdogan-weapons.html)

18th Jul 2016, 14:24
We'll be a lot safer then as they would never dream of having a coup then........

18th Jul 2016, 17:15
JulieAndrews, what are you talking about?!!

Most likely the whole coup was set up by Erdogan, the man is a Psychopath and should be removed ASAP.
I have seen some of all the things being shown on Turkish TV at the moment and none of the poor army guys knew what was going on.
On another note Turkey should NEVER be a part of the EU.

18th Jul 2016, 18:12
The Turkish government asserts that it has retained full-control of the government and has begun a "systematic purge of the military." On Saturday, the government rounded up over 6,000 individuals who will face prosecution under the country's treason laws with President Erdogan refusing to rule out applying a death sentence to the traitors. The arrested include 2,745 judges and over 2,800 soldiers in the Turkish military including Erdogan's top military adviser. Arrested 2745 judges? A purge indeed. Where did the list of those 2745 judges come from? Is this a case of "round up the usual suspects" on a large scale?

I am not all that familiar with the Sputnik news group: tabloid or mostly regular news org?

The US State Department cautions that the situation in Turkey remains unstable in the wake of the failed coup plot and warns foreign travelers against visiting the country citing an increased terror threat as chaos ensues across the country.

Back on topic: where do you hide 42 helicopters?

18th Jul 2016, 18:21
Will the world stand by and watch this purge as it did with Stalin in Russia?

18th Jul 2016, 18:43
Probably :sad:

18th Jul 2016, 19:00
I have some very reasonably priced helicopters for sale , just need re painting as they are a very boring green colour ...

18th Jul 2016, 22:07
If Mr Erdogan and some of his inner circle get to be too large of an obstacle, how does one toss a member out of NATO? Can it be done? The way the Washington Treaty works, as I remember, is that any nation choosing to withdraw from the alliance has to give one year's notice. What I don't recall is how to get voted off the island. (After research, it appears that the answer is no, you can't toss anyone out (http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_17245.htm)). Oops.

No provision in the Treaty articles as written. (I'd need to do some archive digging to see if any further utterances or protocols have been issued)
Nothing in the Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of Greece and Turkey dated 22 October 1951

18th Jul 2016, 22:35
It's worth remembering that Turkey and NATO is not all about 20th century factors. Turkey and Russia go WAY back! Not in a good way. It's probably part of the national consciousness of both nations.

That's part of the picture of Turkey's imperial past and ties in with its relationship with the rest of the Middle East.

Turkey will play NATO in a way that most in Europe and the Americas will struggle to understand.

18th Jul 2016, 22:58
Turkey and Russia go WAY back! Not in a good way. It's probably part of the national consciousness of both nations. Likewise with Turkey and Greece, as I got reminded about once a week while working on a NATO staff. :ugh:

19th Jul 2016, 10:36
It's a huge list, a list so long and detailed that it HAD to have been prepared ahead of time.
The first ones to disappear shall be the ones that need to be silenced as to how the whole thing was set up by the primo bandit in Ankara.
As far as Turkey being part of the EU, that's going to happen when Mexico becomes part of the USA.

19th Jul 2016, 11:31
Not our Circus....not our Monkeys! Ah, classic US foreign policy:ugh: There are plenty of other circuses (circi?) that haven't had anything to do with the US but that hasn't stopped interference before.

So you won't be expecting any help when the blacks and hispanics are rounding up the few remaining white people in mainland America then?

19th Jul 2016, 13:01
Never mind, it was pointless.

19th Jul 2016, 13:26
You don't do Sarcasm well....did you actually read what I posted?
As a Brit I am naturally predisposed to sarcasm - unfortunately it doesn't always come acrosswell in the written word, which yours didn't in my reading - that's life on the internet:ok:

19th Jul 2016, 15:10
He's just sacked some 15,000+ teaching staff in the mix too

Self loading bear
19th Jul 2016, 20:48
what was suggested in Dutch newspapers:
Mr Erdogan did probably not plan it.
However he was probably aware or informed about the coming coup.
He cleverly made his own plans to turn it down and to clean out his whole departments.

Very worrysome, reminds me of some other "Great leaders"
(Well before my time)

I think Europe is about ready with him but I am afraid that parting from Turkey will open up some cans of worms. I am also afraid the USA will go to greater lengths to keep this treshold.

Cheers SLB

19th Jul 2016, 21:46
I think Europe is about ready with him but I am afraid that parting from Turkey will open up some cans of worms. I am also afraid the USA will go to greater lengths to keep this treshold. What do you mean by that second sentence? Real estate location too good to leave?

Self loading bear
19th Jul 2016, 22:10
What do you mean by that second sentence? Real estate location too good to leave?

More having an military base at the Black Sea and next to the Middle East.


19th Jul 2016, 22:22
From memory, there is no US military base on the Black Sea.
The NATO bases in/near Izmir and Incirlik are decidedly Med/Mid East in orientation.
Near the Middle East I understand.
Location, location, location.

Self loading bear
20th Jul 2016, 19:13
Military base was not phrased right.
Military ally or foothold might be better.

I think however we better stop this discussion before it really starts.
It is not really on topic, neither the most appropiate forum to discuss this.

Anything known about location of the 32 helicopters?


20th Jul 2016, 20:23
Anything known about location of the 32 helicopters? SLB
You are right about us drifting. I am under the impression that the missing helicopters are "trying not to be seen" in true Monty Python fashion.

21st Jul 2016, 05:54
So only 32 are still missing? Where did they find the other 10?😎😜

(Only joking😀)

whoknows idont
21st Jul 2016, 08:56
Yes exactly, where did those 22 helicopters go?

21st Jul 2016, 16:37
And where are those 14 Navy vessels which disappeared over night als well?

Rwy in Sight
22nd Jul 2016, 15:25
FWIW the 8 were found guilty on some charges (with suspended sentences) and they moved to Athens. If some of you thought the move have to do with a possible Turkish attempt to kidnap them, I am not sure what to say.

3rd Aug 2016, 23:50
They should join the Hellenic Armed Forces rather than be languishing:

8th Aug 2016, 18:30
Extradition of 8 Turkish Soldiers to Turkey Brings to Mind Ocalan Case | GreekReporter.com (http://greece.greekreporter.com/2016/07/18/extradition-of-8-turkish-soldiers-to-turkey-brings-to-mind-ocalan-case/)

19th Aug 2016, 18:30
Turkish military attaches in Greece go missing - News from Al Jazeera (http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/08/turkish-military-attaches-missing-greece-160811094956790.html)

10th Jan 2017, 20:29
Turkish soldiers fearful of being deported | Multimedia | ekathimerini.com (http://www.ekathimerini.com/215144/gallery/ekathimerini/videos/turkish-soldiers-fearful-of-being-deported)

10th Jan 2017, 21:20
I'd like to seem the ask for political asylum in the US. That'd get the news cycle churning ...

26th Jan 2017, 17:40





27th Jan 2017, 02:23
Nice job, Greek court. Bravo. :D