View Full Version : Are you full of * * * * ?

7th Jul 2016, 11:14
I don't know what got me on this subject . . . maybe the simple unadulterated joy of having a 2nd early morning "constitutional" at home. . . undisturbed.
If it was , then I guess it was the time afforded for reflection, that got me thinking about another way this profession is bad for our health.

Those of you flying "loco" will surely remember the days spent making 4 sectors up to 2/ 2 & a half hours long , punctuated by 25 min turnarounds affording little "personal" time. . . . I don't know about you, but, I always see the aircraft Lav as a mechanism of "last resort" for #2's.
How many times I have come home at 17:30 ish with the prospect of a good sit down, my most treasured wish. Sometimes, nature was more powerful, and a visit (during the Cruise ! Yuk ! ) was unavoidable, but, for the majority of cases I am sure my "early morning ritual" was usually being delayed 10 or more hrs.

I remember an ex colleague who had studied biology (although his "forte" was undoubtedly found in "practical studies" :E ) telling me that the reason you felt like * * * * at the end of such a day , was because your body was (literally ) full of it, and , retaining these toxins for longer than your body probably wished, was not a good thing.
Given the quite high incidence of bowel cancer we suffer as "Westerners" perhaps we should give this a thought whenever we find ourself with no reasonable opportunity during a 12hr day (or night for long-haul chaps) Anyhow, as usual, google is our friend, this is the 1st article I happened upon, but there are numerous others. Consensus seems to be "let it rip" including the aural version :eek:

Holding in Poop: How Bad Is It for You? | Greatist (http://greatist.com/live/hold-in-poop-fart)

7th Jul 2016, 15:08
I have to say your quite elaborate description provided a welcome humorous interlude during a long afternoon at work! However, from a medical perspective, I don't think delaying the 'morning evacuation' so to say for 10-12h does any discernible difference to the level of possible toxins accumulating in the bowel. The link between evacuation and colon cancer relates more to a general pattern of infrequent stools in some Western cultures compared with others whose diets result in more frequent movements.

The 'hazards' associated with forced delay of bowel emptying probably relate more to the development of hard stools and its attendant complications (constipation, haemorrhoids, anal fissures).

For those who do suffer from such issues, perhaps the Squatty Potty may be of use? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbYWhdLO43Q)

7th Jul 2016, 21:47
Thanks for alleviating some of my concerns ;) & no doubt those of some of my colleagues (certainly in respect of "where ere ye be let yer wind blow free" is concerned :\ )

7th Jul 2016, 22:33
Agree with you 100%.
Your emotional map (software) is linked to your guts (hardware).
This is so true and when accumulated toxins start to send the wrong signals to to the mind, a chemical imbalance is created.
Toxins are acidic thus your legs will feel heavy exacerbated by being sedantary.
The only way to get round this is radically different diet (not easy when you are served dioxin-laden meals on the flight deck) and take mega-doses of probiotics.
You need to sweat sweat sweat it out so sports or steam.
Surprisingly your question is on the cover of a serious French weekly just out!
La bibliothèque - Le Point (http://www.lepoint.fr/versions-numeriques/)
"Your Gut, Your Second Brain"

7th Jul 2016, 22:44
The "normal" bowel habit varies from 7 times a day to once every 7 days.

An unexplained change suggests a trip to the docs.

It's rarely a serious problem, but the doc needs to work it out :-)

9th Jul 2016, 20:33
Survey reveals many of us aren't aware of bowel cancer warning signs | Daily Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3680625/A-no-idea-normal-poo-looks-like-Survey-reveals-aren-t-aware-bowel-cancer-warning-signs.html)