View Full Version : 3 Year Pizza

17th Feb 2016, 15:03
Unnerving military inventions....

U.S. Army Develops Pizza That Can Last For Three Years (http://mentalfloss.com/article/75506/us-army-develops-pizza-can-last-three-years)

The U.S. Army is always on the lookout for ways to give its soldiers a piece of home, even if they're stationed thousands of miles away from the United States. Given that few things are more American than a slice of pizza, the military branch just developed a special type of pie that can last for up to three years in harsh conditions, according to Tech Insider.

The U.S. Army’s Natick Soldier Research, Development, and Engineering Center has spent the past five years developing “MRE #37” (Meal Ready to Eat). "It's a fully assembled and baked piece of pizza in one package," food technologist Lauren Oleksyk told Tech Insider (http://www.techinsider.io/mre-pizza-2016-2).

The biggest challenge, according to Oleksyk, was in figuring out how to stop bacteria from growing on the pizza dough and sauce, which needs water for taste, but is also a breeding ground for mould. The solution came in the form of a method known as Hurdle technology (http://www.techinsider.io/mre-pizza-2016-2) which, according to Tech Insider, creates “‘barriers’ that stop bacteria from forming on the pizza over the years.” The end result is a pizza that has a shelf life of three years, which Oleksyk described as tasting like, “day after pizza’ or the kind you'd find in a school cafeteria.”

The pizza can be eaten straight out of its pouch cold, or warm with its included MRE heater, which activates when mixed with water.

17th Feb 2016, 15:11
Since when was Pizza American?

Sir George Cayley
17th Feb 2016, 18:42
It's Greek.


17th Feb 2016, 18:52
It's Greek.

These are fighting words, my friend....:E

17th Feb 2016, 19:11
the kind you'd find in a school cafeteria

Whatever its origins, this sounds awful.

17th Feb 2016, 19:14
I'll take a cardboard box, thanks. You can have my bag of crisps.

17th Feb 2016, 19:39
Pizza for school dinner ! The world has gone mad ... Dear old Mrs Bodger (I kid you not with the name), the Head Cook at my old Grammar School, would be turning in her grave ... Steamed Steak & Kidney Pudding with plenty of green veg every Wenesday lunchtime ahead of Rugby, Hockey and Football in the afternoon during the Autumn and Winter Terms ...

Get a grip America :}

17th Feb 2016, 20:24

Six year old McDonald's

McDonald's Happy Meal after 6 years - Business Insider (http://uk.businessinsider.com/mcdonalds-happy-meal-after-6-years-2016-2?r=US&IR=T)

17th Feb 2016, 22:18
The real history of pizza starts in Italy. Or Greece. Perhaps Egypt? There are good arguments for each, depending on how we define pizza. Starting with the loose yet scientific definition of "some kind of flat bread with stuff on it," we know that pizza dates back to at least the 1st Century.

18th Feb 2016, 00:06
Pizza? History is ambiguous it would seem.


18th Feb 2016, 01:25
Most of the pizza available in the USA is only distantly related to honest, authentic Italian pizza (and yes, I've had pizza in Italy, also at an Italian restaurant in southern Switzerland).

Also, "American" pizza covers a wide range of styles (one of which is fairly close to the Italian style, but it's not a common style). So yes, I'd say the pizza that is commonly served in the USA is an American dish. Note that this is not uncommon - much of the ethnic food available in the USA is only distantly related to the original - it's been adapted to be more acceptable to the typical American tastes. Further, this doesn't just apply to the USA. I lived in Indonesia for a while and I know Indonesian food. Several years ago I had a business trip to Amsterdam - there was an Indonesian restaurant next door to our hotel. What we were served was Indonesian in name only :rolleyes:.

BTW, I love pizza - but the idea of MRE pizza sounds repulsive...

18th Feb 2016, 06:24
MRE pizza sounds repulsive...
Meal Ready to Enjoy. Hope I never have another one!

Concur with the comment above that American pizza is nothing like what you find in Europe. I find room for both in my life. :)

18th Feb 2016, 06:43
What next ... Dwarf Bread??

18th Feb 2016, 06:51
Back in the 80's and 90's we were getting rat packs with packets of Rolos that had labels in Arabic, we reckoned they were left over from Suez......

18th Feb 2016, 07:38
Whats wrong with baby's heads? Have these Americans NO taste? :}

Dougie M
18th Feb 2016, 08:01
Mixed fruit pudding and pilchard. Surprisingly tasty

18th Feb 2016, 09:28
Consider a pizza of radius "z" and height/depth "a".

Its volume will be Pi.z.z.a :ok: [old maths joke]

Hat, coat .............

18th Feb 2016, 09:45
.....there was an Indonesian restaurant next door to our hotel. What we were served was Indonesian in name only

True of most restaurants offering food from another country. Anyone who has been to China would be hard pushed to find anything resembling the crap that most 'Chinese' restaurants offer. Ditto Indian restaurants, which I avoid like the plague, Thai and so on.

Clearly Americans like their version of pizza but like any 'long life' type of food the Pizza MREs will most probably be utterly disgusting.

18th Feb 2016, 10:19
Arabian Rolos, I remember those!

18th Feb 2016, 10:55
My wife can do even better. She makes pizza that looks like it's three years old already and you could also use them to prop up wobbly tables, patch up holes in plasterboard walls or throw them like frisbees.

That reminds me, must get that oven thermostat fixed....

18th Feb 2016, 11:25
ST - you rat, that's another keyboard..........but reminds me to check the freezer, I think there is some fairly ancient pizza in there

18th Feb 2016, 19:54
Whats wrong with baby's heads? Have these Americans NO taste?

Is that a rhetorical question? :E


19th Feb 2016, 13:49
Is that a rhetorical question? :E
Slow death by fast food. I recall that from one of his books. A great line.
MRE Pizza. Good Lord, is Nothing Sacred?

As to pizza: I will support the Neopalitans in their claim to be the home of real pizza, in the form of the pizza Margherita as originally presented to the Empress upon her visit and later revised and refined into the joy that it is today. La Vera Pizza is good stuff.

On our side of the pond, the variations between Chicago style and New York Style pizza, and a whole lot of points in between, represent what a grand dish pizza is for exploring the possible. There is no way to lose. Oven baked pizza can't turn out quite like the wood fired brick oven pizza for a variety of reasons. You can still get a great pizza out of an oven if you take care with your dough and with your ingredients.

MRE Pizza strikes me as akin to watching porn films while deployed at sea ... a shabby substitute for the real thing.

19th Feb 2016, 16:36
Loved that George Carlin bit at the end...
"Sautéed raccoons' @ssholes on a stick".
Surely that one would be available only to the officers..
With optional sauce sachets and a napkin, of course.

19th Feb 2016, 16:49
Sounds like MREs are still Meals Rejected by Ethiopians