View Full Version : China's interest in Lajes

2nd Dec 2015, 14:50
Last I looked Portugal was a NATO member then again how realistic could this get...


China may be trying to take over a critical US air base in the Atlantic - Business Insider (http://www.businessinsider.com/china-may-be-trying-to-take-over-a-critical-us-air-base-in-the-atlantic-2015-11?IR=T)

3rd Dec 2015, 11:39
The Azoreans would seem to have been provided with a bargaining chink in the US negotiating armour.

Union Jack
3rd Dec 2015, 12:44
Before the armchair strategists arrive, I have to say that Basil is a very naughty boy.....:=


Out Of Trim
3rd Dec 2015, 14:39
Basil, is there a slope on the runway? :E

3rd Dec 2015, 14:49
US media try to punt idea Chinese interested.

Chinese wonder why ?

Lets face it when Obama visits anywhere there is huge money spent in advance on getting stuff up to standard................. apart from Chicago as nukes not allowed.

30th Sep 2016, 09:11
China's Atlantic stopover worries Washington - POLITICO (http://www.politico.eu/article/chinas-atlantic-stopover-terceira-worries-washington-li-keqiang-united-states/)

30th Sep 2016, 10:29
The story does bring home just how inept we are in terms of strategic vision. We spend trillions a fighting pointless wars yet potentially sacrificing an incredibly useful strategic asset to save tiny sums of money.

30th Sep 2016, 13:30
Out of Trim,

Are you Jezza at the weekend?

Heathrow Harry
30th Sep 2016, 15:33
use it or lose it........

"Today, however, Lajes Field has the atmosphere of a ghost town. Fewer than 200 American personnel remain stationed at Lajes. At lunch or dinner, the dining room hosts no more than a dozen people. Office and administrative buildings are well-maintained but vacant. In the subdivisions closest to the base, only two or three townhouses are occupied
along entire blocks.

Last summer, the base school closed. While the purpose of Lajes was not to provide welfare to the Portuguese, the abrupt withdrawal of US personnel has left the island in a crisis and looking for alternatives."

30th Sep 2016, 17:33
Another chink [ooops] in the West's armour. Oh, those Chinese are very clever.

30th Sep 2016, 17:42
Laundry provision will improve then...

MAD Boom
30th Sep 2016, 20:50
I give it 2 minutes after the first Chinese plane lands before Carlos pitches up for a rations request......

1st Oct 2016, 11:15
I have some fantastic if blurry memories of several of my short visits over the years.

Carlos's wonderful in-flight, Those sandwiches were amazing !

Drinking lots of very good red wine, lots of seafood, very cheap.

PX shopping, more drinking lots of very good red wine. Did I mention the wine ?

Fuel spills all over the pan, Americans losing their sense of humor.

The captain telling us the bad news that we weren't staying the night on what was supposed to be a 24 hour trip, an instead we would be spending 5 nights in New England instead. Brilliant times for a 21 year old liney.