View Full Version : The Phantom Caravan

10th Oct 2015, 05:03
The end is here.

Computer getting disconnected today. Passport goes in tomorrow for visa cancellation. Just a few weeks short 26 years.

Thank you everyone for an amazing journey. Will not be flying anymore, plenty of other sources of stress await me.

In the words of my favorite poet:

“A Moment's Halt — a momentary taste Of Being from the Well amid the Waste
And, Lo! the phantom Caravan has reach'd The Nothing it set out from.
Oh, make haste!”

―Omar Khayyam

10th Oct 2015, 07:17
The beginning is here also

All the best my friend

Desert Driver
10th Oct 2015, 07:27
All the best,
Take care.

10th Oct 2015, 07:50
Hey 1011,
Guess that moment comes for all of us. Hope it's been a good innings. Wishing you blue skies, always
Enjoy the next phase of your life. You've earned it
Happy landings

puff m'call
10th Oct 2015, 10:58
well jel:D
Good man.

10th Oct 2015, 13:01
Slight modification to an Irish blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may fortune hold you in the palm of it's hand.