View Full Version : SO... the new Roster program WILL go live...

1st Oct 2015, 21:54
Here's a little light reading...


Articles - Jeppesen Next-Generation Preferential Bidding System Successfully Launched at Continental Airlines (http://ww1.jeppesen.com/company/newsroom/articles.jsp?newsURL=news/newsroom/2010/Continenal_DBM_news_release.jsp)


I would love to meet someone from Jeppesen to see how our program meets up to their expectations?

For me.... 5 lines is ridiculous, no weekends off is a joke, and until they get rid of "no more than 15 days off a month for the lazy pilots" and the manual "AD" insertions.....

Here comes the Pineapple... wrap it in barbed wire, dip it in Tobasco... and insert at 3000 psi.....


3rd Oct 2015, 09:04
Tried to do a standing bid this morning. No such luck. I'm on reserve for November, but I can't 'see' a single pairing listed in the trips.:confused::ugh:

The bid period was supposed to be open on 2 Oct. Is anyone having success?

3rd Oct 2015, 12:26
I fell out of my chair laughing so hard at that last line. :D

So sad, but it will most likely be that way.

3rd Oct 2015, 14:18
And of course the bid assist for the John Deere still shows trips only for October. Very sloppy in the implementation of this extremely important change. But who cares?