View Full Version : Numbers of hours when landing an interview

3rd Sep 2015, 19:20
Hello all,

I've been searching the internet, and this forum too, as I am wondering, when it comes to landing an interview for an airline (big to small), what weight is put to the number of hours you finished your PPL with (when going the modular way).

What I mean is, do the recruiters are only interested in the total number of hours you did to finish your CPL/ ATPL (Frozen), or are they interested in one way or another by the number of hours of your PPL?

Another thing I was wondering is, In the optic of going commercial after your PPL, providing you finish it with much more hours than the average, does that the possibility to either disqualify you for the obtention of an IR? or more accurately would that make you not have the mental capacity to get an IR?, or simply not being a pilot good enough to go to the next level, Commercial/ Airline?

Thank you for your thoughts and answers, and sorry If this subject has previously been answered, but couldn't find any thread similar to this one.

Safe flights, all :)

3rd Sep 2015, 19:49
There are so many schools and syllabuses (and circumstances i.e. weather) that such a determination would be hard to assess, but I stand to be corrected. I would have thought they would be more interested in your exam results and how many attempts it took you to pass them. On a positive note, many attempts at least shows determination, but I'm sure that isn't what they are looking for :)


4th Sep 2015, 00:24
I have done three interviews so far in this game. Two of them were successful, one not. Things I have been asked about training included whether or not I passed first time or first series on tests, whether I had resits for ATPLs and what my average score was, and various other 'softer' questions about how I found the training experience, was it difficult etc. Not once have I been asked about hours during training, not once have I been asked ANYTHING about my PPL (aside from me mentioning it in questions about where I trained).

I don't think you can be disqualified from obtaining any rating based on performance when obtaining another. If someone was really struggling during the CPL and going well over hours I would question whether or not they might have the aptitude for an IR but differently people are better at different things. I personally found the IR easier than the CPL for whatever reason.