View Full Version : Looking for new headset (Avro RJ)

23rd Aug 2015, 10:31
Hey everyone,

I'm looking for a light headset to use in the Avro RJ (it's rather noisy).
I've been using my lightspeed zulu, but I want something more comfortable.

Does anyone have experience with the Telex 850 or Clarity Aloft?


24th Aug 2015, 16:55
If a lightspeed isn't comfortable, have you tried the Bose A20?

I would say the Sennheiser ANR sets aren't bad, but since I got my A20 I wouldn't touch one.

Basically, it's your hearing you need to value, more than comfort. As I say to the young F/Os I fly with, if you want to hear the giggles of your grandchildren when you are old, invest now!

Amadis of Gaul
25th Aug 2015, 16:47
I've never flown the mighty Avro, but have used my 850 now is CRJs, E170s and the 320 series, and have been very happy.

No Fly Zone
30th Aug 2015, 02:00
I think Turkish Delight nailed it. Use the Very Best NC H/S you can find and sell the wife if necessary. Take very good care of it and protect it. Bose is a great place to start, but others may serve you better. For best audio and hearing protection, fully enclose both ears ALL the time. (Use audio panel adjustments to comm with partner if possible, or insert foam plug if center ear must be left uncovered.) And sadly... if necessary at your company, pay a few extra bucks with your periodic medical exam for a complete audio test, always kept private. If the hearing starts to go, make them pay.
The most important protection, regardless of AC type, is to protect BOTH ears all the time. If you do walk-arounds, use foam plugs. If you set up the driver's seat, get your headset on, perhaps with an open mike, as soon as you sit down. Been there and paid the price.:eek: