View Full Version : weather alternate?

12th Aug 2015, 06:47
When looking at a TAF and the first line doesn't require an alternate but the "FM" portion (at my time of arrival) indicates weather below the 1-2-3 rule. Am I legally required to have an alternate?

I guess I am asking if the FM is controlling or not? part 121


12th Aug 2015, 18:22
You needed to look at it the other way. 121.619, .621 and .623 all require you file an alternate. Domestic and Flag rules give relief if the weather meets their standards at your time of arrival +/- an hour. Supplemental rules require an alternate for all flights unless the flight falls under the "island" rule.

13th Aug 2015, 19:33
I guess I will ask it another way...

Does the FM exempt me from filing an alternate if the FM indicates VFR, even if the 1st line requires an alternate?

I understand the FAR's read that an alternate is ALWAYS required.. except when: my question is, is the FM portion controlling and does it relieve me of filing an alternate?