View Full Version : A-level choices - British Airways FPP

28th Jul 2015, 01:40
Hello Cadets and Aviation enthusiasts,
I am 16 at the moment and I am obviously interested in becoming a pilot... Not any pilot for any random airline but a pilot for British Airways. The reason for this is my dad is cabin crew and my ultimate goal is to beat him in the ranking within British Airways. At school I am not the best at Maths.. Not terrible, in the middle somewhere, however I would like to say that im better at physics. However you need to do maths in order to do physics for A-levels which I wasn't planning to do maths. This is a problem obviously😂

So my main question is what do I do? And what should I take for A-levels which would help me through life in general but most importantly the cadet programme?

Genghis the Engineer
28th Jul 2015, 15:37
Do you require A level maths and physics? No.

Would they both be a good idea? Yes.

Are there better reasons to apply to an airline than family rivalry? Yes.

My advice would be

- Take maths, physics, and after that stuff you'll enjoy. A language is good, if you have the aptitude for it.

- Look towards the whole range of flying / aviation careers, not just a pilot with BA.