View Full Version : Feeling horribly dizzy 24 hours after a flight

2nd May 2015, 04:56
Hello there,

I've read a lot of threads on motion sickness and my case doesn't seem to fit the bill. I've had about 6 hours in the air now and during the last two hours (today and yesterday) I've felt pretty rotten upstairs. Usually people complain of feeling on the verge of throwing up but I wouldn't describe my symptom in that manner. It's more of a chronic dizzy feeling in my mind.

After I got finished, I took a 3 hour nap to try and sleep it off. However on awakening I felt the same. I then tried to exercise and take a cold shower. Feeling remained! So I went to bed early and to my horror I woke up with the lingering feeling of dizziness the following morning...

I had eaten well on both days and had air on me in flight. I think it's the rapid movement of the plane which does it as during the first 4 hours where we practiced the fundamentals of flight I felt A OK.

Would you say it's normal to feel this bad for this long after practicing power on/off stalls?

2nd May 2015, 05:32
Possibly an ear infection affecting the vestibular apparatus. How high did you go for stalling and what rate of descent when you came back down?

If continued best visit your doctor. Hope you feel ok soon.

2nd May 2015, 05:51
Was at about 4000 feet.

It was the sudden feeling of the nose dropping and pitching up for Vx that triggered the fe eling I think.

Even now, 10 hours after I've flown, I still feel not quite right. I think you're right, I should pay the quack a visit.


2nd May 2015, 12:19
Go to your ENT doctor and explain him the situation.

2nd May 2015, 17:56
Hi Turbopropulsion,

I'm not an AME (Aviation Medical Examiner) but from my experience as a Flight Instructor I can tell you, I had a student once who was going through exactly the same as you're going through (extended feeling of dizziness). After a few days of rest it disappeared, wouldn't recommend to continue flying on a daily basis until your body gets used to deal with this new stimulus. And you will continue to experience this feeling of dizziness for the next couple of flights, but it will get less and lesser with time. In fact that's nothing uncommon, for instance, there have been reports about people who went for a ship cruise and experienced a sensation like still being on the ship a week later. But if the dizziness doesn't fade with time or even increases in intensity, even after not being in the air for a week or so, then you should go and see an AME, just to be on the safe side. But I'm pretty confident that the dizziness will disappear soon.

2nd May 2015, 21:59
Is Carbon Monoxide an issue?