View Full Version : A320/IR

15th Apr 2015, 22:12
Hi fellows,

With the A320/IR rating finally on my licence my IR-SP-ME/SE is gone and the MEP (Land) rating is now stated on the back of the licence as "Previously Ratings held" because it has expired in February this year.

Something is not so clear to me.

With A320/IR does it also mean that I can also fly any MEP aircraft in Single as well as Multi-Pilot operations in IFR conditions ?

The only thing that worries me a bit is the fact that the MEP rating was removed from the XII - Certificate of Revalidation section on the licence just because it expired 2 months ago in February.

If i want to renew my MEP again would that include refreshment training and a skill test with an examiner at an ATO?

Hopefully somebody with the same or similar situation can clear this up for me.

Thank you !!

15th Apr 2015, 22:29
With A320/IR does it also mean that I can also fly any MEP aircraft in Single as well as Multi-Pilot operations in IFR conditions ?

I'm not sure but here it is.....If you have your ME MP IR(A320) valid and Sep/MEp expired you can't!
With A320/IR you have a ME valid as well as a IR.
If you want to fly a MEP you need to be current, the same apply with the SEP, and in this case you can fly in IFR cause your IR is valid.

If i want to renew my MEP again would that include refreshment training and a skill test with an examiner at an ATO?

To renew you need a refresh, the duration of which is determined by the training center, based on the period of inactivity, and the experience of the pilot then follow a Proficiency Check.

16th Apr 2015, 06:53
Unless you have a valid class/type rating for the aircraft, you cannot fly it.

Additionally, since EASA Part-FCL has been implemented, there is clearly visible on the licence for which aircraft you have the IR, e.g. you may have A320/IR but only SEP(LAND) or MEP(LAND), which prevents you from flying IFR in SEP or MEP aircraft.

If you want to use IFR credits from your A320 proficiency check towards SEP/IR or MEP/IR, there are some currency requirements - look it up in Part-FCL.

17th Apr 2015, 16:29
Thank you very much guys for your inputs !

FlyingStone so if I want to renew my MEP/IR-SP-ME ratings i can use some credits from my A320/IR type rating? Where exactly can i find this information ? Could you please point me to the right section?

I really appreciate for all your info !

17th Apr 2015, 17:30
EASA Part-FCL, FCL.625.A and Appendix 8.

19th Apr 2015, 19:16
FlyingStone i think the regulation i was looking for long time is the one below.

My first question is when i started the type rating both my previous ratings the MEP(Land) & IR-SP-ME had expired at the same time during the course.

On my licence now the A320/IR has been added. The IR part in this case was transformed to an IR for Multi Pilot Operations right? So that means that I do not hold the IR for Single Pilot operations anymore.

My other question is and according to the regulations below the A320 is a Multi-Engine Aircraft. Why then my MEP (Land) did not automatically renewed after i have passed the skill test for the type rating and only the IR part was renewed. i.e A320/IR.

I hope my questions are clear and i am not confusing you or anybody else out there helping me to find the right answers!

FCL.740.A Revalidation of class and type ratings – aeroplanes
(a) Revalidation of multi-engine class ratings and type ratings. For revalidation of
multi-engine class ratings and type ratings, the applicant shall:

(1) pass a proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 to Part-FCL in the
relevant class or type of aeroplane or an FSTD representing that class or
type, within the 3 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the
rating; and

(2) complete during the period of validity of the rating, at least:
(i) 10 route sectors as pilot of the relevant class or type of aeroplane; or
(ii) 1 route sector as pilot of the relevant class or type of aeroplane or FFS,
flown with an examiner. This route sector may be flown during the
proficiency check.

(3) A pilot working for a commercial air transport operator approved in
accordance with the applicable air operations requirements who has passed
the operators proficiency check combined with the proficiency check for the
revalidation of the class or type rating shall be exempted from complying
with the requirement in (2).

(4) The revalidation of an IR(A), if held, may be combined with a proficiency
check for the revalidation of a class or type rating.

Thank you !