View Full Version : ATPL Exams in Poland - Advise Sought

7th Apr 2015, 18:11
As stated in the headline, I'm considering taking the ATP exams in Poland and I'm looking for some information in this regard. I've already checked-out the website of the polish aviation authority but couldn't find what I was looking for.

I'm particularly interested in the following:

- how much is the fee for the ATP theoretical exam(s)?

- is their an ATP exams schedule for 2015? I've read something like "scheduling is at the applicants discretion" does this mean exams are conducted anytime, just give us a call?

Perhaps there are folks around here who can provide some info - that'd be great! Thanks!

7th Apr 2015, 21:22
Yep it is 250€ indeed (1047 PLN). and exam dates are mostly 10-20 every month. to be exact:

12 – 22.05.
9 – 19.06
7 – 17.07.
no exams on 8th month
8 – 18.09.
6 – 16.10.
3 – 13.11.
1 – 11.12

if you register 2 weeks before exams you'll be fine. you can contact with Agata Lange for more [email protected]

good luck

8th Apr 2015, 13:16
Thanks a lot for the info guys, it's very much appreciated!

25th Jul 2015, 15:15
Hi guys.
Where Can I find these dates?

26th Jul 2015, 12:35
For 2015 here is the link, it's in Polish:

26th Jul 2015, 21:47
thank you!!!!

12th Nov 2015, 06:27
Hi. Do you know if the 2016 timetable is already available?

14th Nov 2015, 07:27
Good Day,

250 Euros for how many exams? the 14?
For information, uk CAA is charging 69 pounds/paper and 99 pounds if done overseas. "A HIGHWAY HOLD UP!!"

Anyway, it's too late for me.

By any chance, do you know guys a FTO of good reputation in Eastern Europe for
ATPL conversion: ICAO to EASA

The "skill test" would be on A320 (I already have the rating, 3000+ on A320)

Have a good one!

5th May 2016, 00:48
As far as I know, Germany is the only EASA member state using the "fill in the blank" type of exam answers instead of the common and EASA conform "multiply-choice" type, which is used by all other members states.