View Full Version : VFR. planning minima?!?!

6th Mar 2015, 21:14
Trying to find any information about it, icao, eu ops can't find anything.. Has this been removed with the new easa regulations?!

10th Mar 2015, 15:36
VFR planning minima is based on what airspace you planned to fly through.

24th Mar 2015, 06:29
I don't think there has ever been a VFR planning minima in the regulation?
It is the same as operational minima.

24th Mar 2015, 07:34
I think there is some somewhere, I would imagine Part NCO. I shall do some digging and let you know.

24th Mar 2015, 08:09
VFR-planning minima does not any longer excist with the implimentation of Part-NCO in Norway where I can see you are from. You have to refer to VMC-criteria in Part-SERA to see if you con go or not.