View Full Version : Deadly strain of malaria arrives Tarawa

16th Feb 2015, 10:05
Just for what it's worth, a four year old girl died of malaria a few days ago at Betio island, Tarawa, Kiribati. I received this information from a Kiribati friend who is a close relative of the child. In the past, there has been no sign malaria in Kiribati but it is thought that somehow a deadly form of malaria found in the Solomon Islands had now been discovered on Betio island and the first death was the child.

So if you happen to be staying in Tarawa (Fiji Air and Nauru Airlines visit there) take mossie repellent with you because according to one tourist brochure there is no mosquito repellent available there.

dubbleyew eight
17th Feb 2015, 10:37
an allied experience...
I took some australian mozzie repellent (aerogard) with me to thailand.
had it roller balled over the back of my hands mainly.
damned if the thai mozzies didn't hone into exactly where it was on my hands.

the DEET in aerogard may be a repellent in australia but it is a highly effective attractant for the mozzies in thailand. highly effective, they swarmed in from everywhere.

I tried buying some of the local stuff but couldn't find any in bangkok after a day of searching.
my brother's thai wife tells me that there isn't any commercially available because they all make the stuff at home.

a tea is made using lemon grass and is allowed to cool and applied to the skin.
the thai's reckon it is very effective.

I don't know what works for kiribati but don't assume our repellents will be effective.

18th Feb 2015, 00:55
Hi Centaurus,

Are you referring to the recent outbreak of chikungunya virus which is spread by the mosquito, Aedes albopictus (http://www.cdc.gov/dengue/resources/30Jan2012/comparisondenguevectors.pdf)?

The virus which originated in Asia is already showing up in the Pacific Islands and worrying health officials who are concerned that a general break out would have a devastating impact on local populations.

18th Feb 2015, 08:00
Thanks for the info Trail Boss. Cent

18th Feb 2015, 19:45
How have you been keeping Cent? It's a long time since we last spent time together. Cheers