View Full Version : Shackleton's don't bother me...

5th Feb 2015, 16:44
Afternoon all,

In 2012, the Shackleton Preservation Trust announced the decision to attempt to return a Shackleton to the skies.

Yeh, right. Heard this before. CAA won't allow it. Pie in the sky dreamers...and then the Vulcan flew.

Three weeks ago, following further discussions with Civilian Aviation Authorities, the green light has been given to proceed with the restoration to flight.

A number of ex-Shack guys are involved, and I am hoping more of you will be interested. The aircraft has been kept alive for a number of years, carrying out engine runs and a couple of taxi runs, with the latter half of last year seeing engines running every two weeks or so. Being an ex-Shack man myself, I spent the last 24 years lurking on the net, keeping an arms length away, but giving tech advice when the need arose, and generally watching how things were run, and how realistic the return-to-flight prospect was.
I now find myself involved, and am more than happy with the way the program is run, to the point where I am professionally involved. The majority of pieces in the puzzle are in place (hangarage arrangements, spares, tech documents and manuals etc, etc) and there is feverous activity happening behind the scenes, getting the word out, chasing more support, and looking for your inputs. You know the kind of things. Manuals, pictures, log books, tools, reminiscences. If you want, you can even purchase some old favourites; Eight Screws 'T' shirts, Bearhunter badges, and other merchandise which is being reproduced to the original specs.

For those of you who are now asleep, my apologies. For the rest of you, why not visit the Shackleton Preservation Trust website, which is also being upgraded to reflect recent developments. Or if feeling adventurous, the next working weekend is the 21st and 22nd of February. Coffee may even be available in the galley.


5th Feb 2015, 16:54
Ahhh another one, mentions the website but never provides the Linky :p

Here you go :)

Shackleton Preservation Trust - Home (http://www.avroshackleton.co.uk/)

5th Feb 2015, 21:32

There's a lot of support for an MPA on an adjacent thread.....try rattling your tin there!:)

6th Feb 2015, 11:13
Thanks for that Nutty. I'll humbly bow to your higher level of internetering capability.👍

Kintyred, if I did that, I wouldn't be able to cope with the influx of highly experienced and capable kipper fleet volunteers rushing through the door faster than at Happy Hour...although I suspect the Shack would welcome them all.☺️


7th Feb 2015, 12:06
It would seem a fitting moment to reveal that I am another one involved in this amazing project. Along with Camlobe, I am really enjoying getting stuck in to working on the Old Grey Lady as we carry out the required winter servicing at the moment. Soon she will awaken from her winter rest and start exercising those mighty Griffons once again, with taxying planned to follow on from last season's brilliant climax.
For those of you not aware - WR963 taxied for the first time in 8 years at Coventry, which is how we want to continue for this forthcoming season!

I filmed the memorable event too - have a look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxJ_XfCUcEc

I might be ex-RAF, but I was a Rigger, and now Camlobe is converting me to a Grollie...... which is enlightening to say the least :)

7th Feb 2015, 12:57
Great news, would love to see the old girl back in the air where she belongs.

Camlobe: I'm flying in to Coventry with a couple of mates on the 19th to visit the museum, blizzards and other inclement weather permitting. Is the Shack part of the museum or do you keep it elsewhere? I'd love to have a look at it.